guys, before you go any firther thinking that you can actually have a reasoned interchange with Mjohnny Mnemonic, save yourself the trouble - if you check out any of the other threads he's posted to, you'll soon realize he's a wack-job with a serious persecution complex - (don't take my word for it - go judge for yourselves); in fact, originally I was going to post something to the effect that charyuop, as a TCC newbie, shouldn't get distressed by JM's bizzaro-world rantings, but evidently JM is sooo far out in left field that even a total neophyte is able to reason that he is a grade A nut-burger...

by the way Johnny a.k.a. HAPPEH (yeah, I finally figured out who you really are), when are you gonna realize that you are just far too superior for the rest of us and go back to the 10th dimension?