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Thread: aye, here there be Dragons...

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Orlando, Florida

    I think that Dragons represent a certain aspect of our spirit.. and when that aspect is active or dominate, we tend to project the dragon's image onto ordinary things.. Once, while hiking high in the mountains, i came across a spectacular view and with the wind in my face i felt the Dragon spirit rise, it was a remarkable experience, i felt as though i could fly and i could almost sense the wings, scales and such.. but, i think that was after the same concert ..

    Be well..
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    Ok, if you are not going to judge me, i have seen a dragon during my Wun Yuen Kung form when i was training after midnight on the roof of a 30 story corporate building as i do nite shift. It came down from the night sky like an abyss or hollow invisiable porthole and sat and watched me for a few seconds and then disappeared.
    The funny thing was i felt calm and i didnt stop my form i kept going like it knew me or something.


  3. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by fiercest tiger View Post
    Ok, if you are not going to judge me, i have seen a dragon during my Wun Yuen Kung form when i was training after midnight on the roof of a 30 story corporate building as i do nite shift. It came down from the night sky like an abyss or hollow invisiable porthole and sat and watched me for a few seconds and then disappeared.
    The funny thing was i felt calm and i didnt stop my form i kept going like it knew me or something.

    I am serious here Garry not razzing you! If it happens again try to talk to him and see if he has any MA advice or wisdom for you. Then let us know what he has to say.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    Hi Scott,

    You know i have had other things happen to me that involves me chanting in other languages when asleep, having visions in dreams and with my eyes open and awake. I wont go into detail much more cause people just wont believe what i will say.

    I will next time hopefully ask it, i do know it was like a spirit cloud - white and see through like a hollow tude the body had and glisering (sp).


  5. #20
    Hi Garry,

    It is reasonable for people not to believe when it hasnt happened to them. Once something unusual occurs then they will either pretend it didnt happen, rationalize it away, or realize there is much we dont understand.

    I have had my share of unusual and bizarre events too. I just accept them without judgging them. Unfortunately they seldom re-occur so I dont get the opportunity to explore them further. I hope you have the opportunity to see the dragon again.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Chi (Chicago)
    Deep stuff. I'm glad I came across this forum. My favorite thing is that although Garry has deeply spiritual experiences, he's still combat oriented and hasn't gone all Gandhi on us. So I'd think he'd have a great chance for his spiritual experiences to translate into more effective combat.

  7. #22
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    not judging you Garry. From what I've been told, if you speak to them, speak internally, from your mind and third eye. They find human voices offensive.
    (personally, I don't know-it's just what I've been told)

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia

    Hi Buddy, the funny thing is with the visions the person/s i see its like ESP they sometimes dont talk but i get info from them by thought telepathically or something. Sounds strange i know but i do see them and my Wife has been with me when its happening.


  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia

    Hi Buddy, the funny thing is with the visions the person/s i see its like ESP they sometimes dont talk but i get info from them by thought telepathically or something. Sounds strange i know but i do see them and my Wife has been with me when its happening.


    Hello, sorry mate i no longer am interested in the fighting side of things just the Chi side and mind side of training. Fighting you dont need to really learn from a teacher IMHO.


  10. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Chi (Chicago)
    So you're not going to Abu Dhabi anymore, hunh? Well, the important thing is to develop gong in whatever you practice, right? So congrats.

    Quote Originally Posted by fiercest tiger View Post

    Hi Buddy, the funny thing is with the visions the person/s i see its like ESP they sometimes dont talk but i get info from them by thought telepathically or something. Sounds strange i know but i do see them and my Wife has been with me when its happening.


    Hello, sorry mate i no longer am interested in the fighting side of things just the Chi side and mind side of training. Fighting you dont need to really learn from a teacher IMHO.


  11. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by fiercest tiger View Post
    Ok, if you are not going to judge me, i have seen a dragon during my Wun Yuen Kung form when i was training after midnight on the roof of a 30 story corporate building as i do nite shift. It came down from the night sky like an abyss or hollow invisiable porthole and sat and watched me for a few seconds and then disappeared.
    The funny thing was i felt calm and i didnt stop my form i kept going like it knew me or something.

    How come everybody else always has such great experiences? I've never even been out of the Americas.

    Although last night on a conference call for work a guy called one of our female co-workers an f-ing ***** ... that was entertaining.

    He probably got canned today. If not yet, then shortly.

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    The Chi (Chicago)
    Maybe you're not doing the same chi gongs that the guys having the experiences do...

    Quote Originally Posted by lunghushan View Post
    How come everybody else always has such great experiences? I've never even been out of the Americas.

    Although last night on a conference call for work a guy called one of our female co-workers an f-ing ***** ... that was entertaining.

    He probably got canned today. If not yet, then shortly.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    Yes, i still may try the grappling circuit as i see that as fun and not all about killing! There is a difference my friend, for the last 20yrs everyday i had been thinking how to kill people that kinda plays with your head after a while and effects the heart amongst other things. Since my wife gave birth its hard to find time to do the things you want, so i do what is most cruical for training for myself and that is chi kung and other things, the wrestling/grappling is what we do in class to have some fun and hands on. So hopefully either this yr or next i will be injury free and fit enough to just go and enter BJJ and submission comps.


  14. #29
    Join Date
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    Seattle, WA
    In college all my friends would do pot and acid and see ants and have all these great hallucinations ...

    I was always so jealous.

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    The Chi (Chicago)
    Oh, so you were probably just facetiously lamenting not having experiences like the other people's. LOL. On the forums sometimes you just take things at face value, and I guess that's what I did with your comment. LOL.

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