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Thread: Thanks to my Lee Koon Hung Kung Fu brothers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Wuhan, Hubei, China

    Thanks to my Lee Koon Hung Kung Fu brothers

    Just came back from a very very very long flight, and thought the first thing I must do, is say thanks to all my kung fu brothers for their hospitality and help this past two weeks.

    I went to HK on the 6th, and met up with our kung fu brothers at the University. I really want to thank Tommy (I know he reads here) and Sifu Joe Kwong for their help and for everything they did for me while I was over there. I really appreciate everything. I also met Master Chow Keurng (Tai Shing Pek Gwar) and a bunch of his students, I must say Master Chow Keurng is one amazing guy. I got to do some thaiboxing with their students and the teacher Sifu Ponson sing. That guy is solid as a rock.

    I spend most of my days in Hong Kong with Sow Choy (Joe Keit). As usual, hes a very cool guy, and I cant thank him enough for his help. Joe should have been a Pop star, hes way to popular with the ladies :- ). Thanks Sir.

    I met CLFNole… wow… what a guy. His kung fu is great, and he is one of the most helpful people I have ever met. Always willing and eager to share. He is in real life, exactly as he is online… and he CAN MOVE. I love his Ping Kuen. Thanks for everything Mr Nole. You should not keep such a low profile, the rest of the people should all see what you can do. : - )You’re great. Thanks for everything.

    I also met gwa sow. Hes a very cool guy, also pretty much the same as I would have pictured him from his online persona. Also thanks to Giovanni and Paul. I’m going to have to explain all the bruises on my arm to my wife tonight.

    I am really grateful for everything you’ve all done for me. CLFNOLE and Sow Choy, I owe you both so much. Thanks.

    Anyways, I need some rest. Very good to see my wife and son again. The past two and a half weeks were great, but its good to be home. Its pretty cold in Johannesburg at the moment, and Im feeling like Im going to get the flue.

    If I forgotten to mention someone, I’ll do it in the next post. This day has just been too long, and I: been on flights since Sunday morning.

    Thanks guys. See you all soon.
    得 心 應 手

    蔡 李 佛 中 國 武 術 學 院 - ( 南 非 )

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Boca Raton, FL

    You are very welcome and thank you for the kind words. It was great to get to meet you and train. Too bad I was unable to be there more but you know how that one goes.

    Keep up the training and hope to see you again next year.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    fort lauderdale
    it was nice to meet you eddie, hope you stop by again next year. next time try the winter time. its not really cold here in florida but definately not as hot
    A BJJ player and notorious pimp, Da Big Deezy, in the Crenshaw district tried to "raise up" and "slap a ho" ..... I impaled him with my retractible naginata. I wish there were more groundfighters in the world. They make my arsenal that much more deadly. - john takeshi


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Wuhan, Hubei, China
    When I got back to SA it was freezing cold. I just spend the last 2 and a half weeks in places with hot humid weather, only to return to SA's dry cold air. Also, something we figured out now, I get very bad migraines here, and while I was over there, It wasnt so bad. Johannesburg is on a big gold reef, and the western part where I live has allot of old mine dumps around (they are being disguised as mountains now). The pharmacist told me my migraines might be caused by the arson in the sand from the mine dumps. Who could have thought.

    We’re planning a mass invasion of your town around this time next year. If all goes well, I’ll see you then. I been bragging about CLFNole to the people over here, and just realised, I never took a picture with CLFNole and Gwa Sow. That’s actually really crap 

    BTW- Got back to SA, and experienced the typical SA welcome – my bags were opened and one of my small bags was stolen. I also struggled to change my US$ back to Rand, as they wanted proof of residency here. I just travelled 30 something hours by plane, just to get treated like that again. Made me wish I stayed over there.

    Anyways, next time I’m hoping to bring my wife with.

    Thanks again guys.
    得 心 應 手

    蔡 李 佛 中 國 武 術 學 院 - ( 南 非 )

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