I got up at 6:00 mst and checked the spawn.com forums to read that we were under attack... So I went and checked the news to see the first tower on fire, I saw the second plan hit live... I couldn't believe it. I then turned on stern because I knew he was in NY, he stayed on the air through out the whole ordeal and I respect him for that. We ended up setting up the tv's at work so that the people at work could keep updated on what was happening. There are a lot of people from back east that work at my company. Sad day...

You know on this day I mourn the loss of those who lost their lives on that day. I also mourn the loss of democracy and liberty because of this current regime in office now. This country was united on all political lines, class lines, etc behind our president because he promised to bring those responsible to justice. The world was behind the US against terrorism and 5 years later NOTHING has happened to bring those responsible to justice. The middle class is almost extinct, this country is divided on all lines and the world hates the US. Bush used this as a chance to attack a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 just to put money in his friends and families pockets. I ****ing hate G W Bush and those who support him.

sad times