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Thread: The general American public's perception of martial arts

  1. #136
    Join Date
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    Seattle, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by unkokusai View Post
    Don't waste your time, he has never had any intention of doing any training or sparring of any sort and never will.
    Whatever. I don't see you talking about training or anything either. You seem to only exist to be a trollboy.

  2. #137
    Alright, so so far, you've said this much.

    -I want to spar, but no schools do it right.
    -I've given up on sparring.
    -I've given up on schools.
    -I have a sifu.
    -I don't have a school or sifu.
    -If I could find a school that does sparring I would join.
    -Oh, several schools that do sparring? I have given up on schools.

    ... I really don't know why you are here man. Do you even know yourself?

  3. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wood Dragon View Post
    I Triple-Dog Guarantee that, if fighting (application of force in a live environment, competitive or "street") is what you wish to train for, you would not be disappointed with Seattle Kyokushin.

    That said, it will not be CMA. It will be Kyokushin (A Karate/MT/Judo hybrid). A very different environment.
    I've done Kyokushin before. It's not that exciting. I prefer Oyama karate. Those guys train a lot harder.

  4. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wood Dragon View Post
    I Triple-Dog Guarantee that, if fighting (application of force in a live environment, competitive or "street") is what you wish to train for, you would not be disappointed with Seattle Kyokushin.

    That said, it will not be CMA. It will be Kyokushin (A Karate/MT/Judo hybrid). A very different environment.
    Don't waste your time, he has never had any intention of doing any training or sparring of any sort and never will.

  5. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by street_fighter View Post
    Alright, so so far, you've said this much.

    -I want to spar, but no schools do it right.
    -I've given up on sparring.
    -I've given up on schools.
    -I have a sifu.
    -I don't have a school or sifu.
    -If I could find a school that does sparring I would join.
    -Oh, several schools that do sparring? I have given up on schools.

    ... I really don't know why you are here man. Do you even know yourself?
    a) I said no schools in Seattle are doing it right.
    b) Yes, I've given up on sparring IN SEATTLE.
    c) Yes, I've given upon schools IN SEATTLE.
    d) Not everybody's sifu likes publicity.
    e) Yes, I don't go to a SCHOOL.
    f) No, I said if I could find a CMA school that does sparring with CMA (and allows some sort of foot covering), that I'd go spar there. I'm not going to spar with sanshou rules because they're boring.
    g) Yes, a few schools that do limited sparring. One of which is KARATE, one of which is a WOMEN'S school, and the other 2 have limited sparring with sanshou rules.

    Anyways, I'm done with this conversation because it's obvious that you don't do CMA or you would understand the limitations of sanshou.
    Bottom line is I don't want to waste my time with that crap.

  6. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by lunghushan View Post
    Okay, and I think, (actually it's self evident) that most of you do not train CMA. Otherwise you would realize how limited sanshou is.
    Yes, everybody is misguided but you, the guy who doesn't train and has no intention of doing so. That makes sense......

  7. #142
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    Quote Originally Posted by unkokusai View Post
    Don't waste your time, he has never had any intention of doing any training or sparring of any sort and never will.
    Dude, it's fairly obvious that you know nothing about me. Nothing at all.

  8. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by lunghushan View Post
    Whatever. I don't see you talking about training or anything either.

    No, you don't see me asking for places to train and then dismissing them with lame, transparent excuses. You don't see me making the same ridiculous claims over and over again to try and create some phony 'persona'.

  9. #144
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    you are a fraud

    Quote Originally Posted by lunghushan View Post
    Dude, it's fairly obvious that you know nothing about me. Nothing at all.

    You have demonstrated more than enough about yourself through your constant repitition of BS all over the place.

  10. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by street_fighter View Post
    Women's school? It sounds like you'd fit in nicely. See what I mean, self-defeating. You have a chance to do sparring the way you see fit, and you pass it up. Big mistake.

    Anyway, my point was not only to show your contradictions, or indecisiveness but to ask you why you are here, and what you hope to get out of having these conversations. You aren't contributing anything at all. You aren't asking questions (in fact, your pride can't even handle a tiny suggestion of any kind). So why are you here?

    And I DO do CMA.
    No, you're being obtuse.

    Like I said. First technique is feeding. Second technique is an elbow.

    NEITHER TECHNIQUE can I do in sanshou. Why the HELL would I want to train sanshou when I CAN'T DO EVEN THE FIRST TWO TECHNIQUES???


    You seem to have some glorified view of sanshou as a sport when it is obviously inferior. You attack my character instead of dealing with my arguments.

    So obviously you are either a) obtuse or b) troll boy. Which is it?

  11. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by street_fighter View Post
    wait wait wait wait wait. I just remembered. You said before that in your 'school' you introduced people to sparring gradually starting soft and going full. That is three contradictions right there. So you have a school. You ARE doing sparring (therefor haven't given up on it, and are not looking for another school). And you are doing full contact eventually which you were against. Wtf?

    Oh, I see why you can't do san shou. Your only two techniques cannot be used... TWO F***ING TECHNIQUES!? How the hell is that an argument?
    That was an old school. I don't have a school right now.

    Secondly, I am not sparring right now. Yes, that's right, no sparring. Because I already did kickboxing. Kickboxing doesn't use any elbows or knees. Why would I want to go back to that?

    I only listed two techniques. You really think a system only has two techniques? I said I can't use even the FIRST two techniques.

    I already did kickboxing. I did kickboxing or the equivalent, karate, on and off for like 15 years. It is BORING.

  12. #147
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    Neillunghushan is:

    Completely, totally, fully, unmistakably full of ****.

  13. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by street_fighter View Post
    Idiot. I didn't think the system had two techniques, that was my f***ing point. So what your saying is, your first two techniques can't be used textbook style, and your primitive mind can't make subtle adjustments that you would have to do anyway in a real situation because nothing is textbook style, so your screwed... Makes sense to me...

    (Pleeeease this time pick up on the sarcasm.)
    Oh, whatever. I don't have time for this crap. If you like sanshou go for it. If Cung Le is your hero, go for it. When you've done a ton of kickboxing type sparring and get tired of it, then maybe we'll talk.

  14. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by lunghushan View Post
    I've done Kyokushin before. It's not that exciting. I prefer Oyama karate. Those guys train a lot harder.
    Uh, Oyama Karate is Kyokushinkai. It's just another successor to the pre-split IKO. Same training, same techniques. Any difference in percieved "hardness" is a function of the particular dojo.

    It's clear from your statements that you have not "done" Kyokushin. Maybe sat in on a few training sessions.

    Either train or do not, but don't keep posting the reruns of your woes. 90% of your posts are a variation of you complaining about your situation, questioning other peoples training methods in comparison to your perception of how training should be done (though you do not train) or shooting down other peoples responses to your plight ("too xxxxxx", "not enough xxxxx", "I've done xxxxx but it was too xxxx", "they don't allow shoes on the mats and I'll get VD").

    Quite frankly, you've contributed absolutely zero to the forum, been vaguely offensive to many, and in general attempted to throttle any thread you've posted on.
    SevenStar: It's hilarious seeing people's reactions when they see a big, black dude with a sword walking toward them.

    Masterkiller: Especially when they're at the ATM.

    WTF? How did we go from the White Haired Devil strangling and beating guys to death in a teahouse, to Mr Miyagi and Jhoon Rhee?

  15. #150
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    Kyokushin, at least in NY, is not the same at all as Oyama.

    The training at Oyama World Karate NY dojo is MUCH more intense than Kyokushin. They spend much more time at conditioning, more time at drilling with REAL striking to the torso, much more time spent conditioning the hands, arms, legs, etc., than any other karate place I've ever been. Even the women there are pretty tough.

    As for derailing, you're the ones that have been arguing with me over this sanshou stuff.

    It's obvious that a lot of you know very little about CMA. I have no idea why, but I'm not going to worry about it anymore.

    And stop with the insults. Your pathetic attempts to raise yourself up by putting me down are at best infantile.

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