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Thread: Info on Wah Lum School

  1. #1

    Info on Wah Lum School

    Does anyone have information or insight into the Wah Lum School in Melbourne FL?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Central Florida
    The owner, Harry Lo, is a very good instructor. He's been in the system for quite a long time and has a good understanding of the style.

    If you haven't done so yet I suggest you go and watch a class and ask as many questions as come to your mind. I don't think there's much choice as far as MA offerings around there so you may be limited.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    What he said.

    I don't have very much personal experience with Harry Lo though I've met him a few times, but he's been in the system for a very long time, is very close to Master Chan, and has an excellent reputation.

    Yao Sing's advice is perfect: reputation aside, unless someone shares something really surprising here (and even if something shocking did turn up, it's validity would be questionable), your best bet is to go and see the school, meet the people who actually teach the classes, and form your own educated impressions.

    Good luck!

    - CS

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Barrington, NH
    That style is mostly what I study. Comming up with the $ for privet lessons is tough these days and so mostly what I do is learn forms in a seminar format a couple of times a year. On top of that, it's about a 2 hour drive! If there was a guy around here that could teach me more of that style, I'd sign right up. If you've got him right there in your area then I say go for it.
    Always learning

  5. #5

    Harry Lo

    Real nice guy, his school always had good lion dance teams.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Right now, I'm not sure where I am.

    good choice

    The Melbourne school has an awesome demo team. There is no doubt that you can learn a lot from Sifu Harry Lo. Wah Lum is a great style and Sifu Harry is a really nice guy and a great teacher. Plus I think they have more good looking girls in their school then any other I’ve ever seen..
    Check it out……….

    “Being fast is fine but accuracy is everything.”
    Wyatt Erupt
    Feeling jumpy!!!
    Thread Killer...>>>
    Tommy M

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Nashville USA
    How do I sign up Froggy?

    Harry always treated me like an old friend. Two thumbs up for him and his school.
    I am still a student practicing - Wang Jie Long

    "Don`t Taze Me Bro"

  8. #8
    Nice instructor, great lion dance team, and hot girls, oh my!

    I've stopped in and paid my respects to Sifu Lo. I'd love to go to classes there, mainly to have people to interact with and practice techniques, but it is a very long drive. Although I saw many similarities between their Kung Fu and what I've already learned, the differences were significant also.

    I suppose I'm going to be going it alone for a while. The variety in martial arts schools (much less Kung Fu schools) here is abysmal. I've had several people ask me to train them, but I'm not sure I want to take on that responsibility, not to mention I don't necessarily feel qualified. I really could use some training partners though.....two person drills and sparring seems to make more sense when there is something more than shadows to practice with (although the shadow has yet to lay a glove on me). =)

    Thanks for the input all,


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Central Florida
    Where exactly are you?

    You say it's a long drive so if you're north you can check out the Three Treasures school in Titusville. If you're south you're out of luck. I don't know of anything between Melbourne and Jupiter.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Yao Sing View Post
    Where exactly are you?

    You say it's a long drive so if you're north you can check out the Three Treasures school in Titusville. If you're south you're out of luck. I don't know of anything between Melbourne and Jupiter.
    I'm on North Merritt Island, right near Cape Canaveral....I can't find any information on a "Three Treasure School". Where in Titusville? It must be a well kept secret because no one seems to know about it. Do you have contact info for them? Are they still open?


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Central Florida
    My info might be a little out of date but there should be a Wah Lum school on Merritt Island. Harry Lo took over that school but I don't know who's currently teaching the classes.

    I just checked the Wah Lum website and it's not listed. Guess it closed.

    Looks like Three Treasures is out of business too. At least the website is gone.

    Here's the number for Sifu Eric Hunstad - (321) 267-1221
    Maybe he's still teaching.

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