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Thread: Internal training of strength

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  1. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Orlando, Florida

    Hi Gabe:
    The other things I'd like to mention is, after reading some of this, I don't see how the CTS can be considered separate to the Neur0-musc. system. When it is stated that they are complimentary, that implies that they are separate. Functionally speaking, they are wholly integrated. Movement requires the muscular nervous system. Since you can't separate the two, I find it hard to understand how you can argue advantages of one over the other. For that same reason, it's impossible to study either in separation when it comes to complex movement.
    You are mostly correct.. i think the issue is "imbalance", where someone over-develops the muscles to the detriment of the CTS.. the CTS is an intricate communication pathway, among other things.. muscles that are too bulky tend to compress the CTS and dampen its primary communication mode, vibration.. The CTS has "trigger" devices that allow us to physically engage it in its complimentary function.. If you were to stand at attention then fall forward, your hands reach out, intercept the ground then bring it toward you in a controlled fashion is the sort of trigger that is inspired by genetic instincts.. knowing that falling is painful, our bodies are hardwired to over-ride certain responses with the most appropriate.. this involves the more primitive instinctive CTS utilizing "tensegrity" to shift the body into something like a huge shock-absorber, dispersing much of the energy through-out the system.. this "activation" establishes a higher level of energetic coherence throughout the body.. it permits a holistic response to stimulus.. isolation training, while it is beneficial in some respects, often causes a dependence on isolated systems/groups diminishing the benefits of holistic responses..

    I agree that isolation training has its benefits, but of equal or higher importance is developing an integrated holistic response.. of critical importance is one's goals.. isolation training may serve the weight-lifter or the body-builder well for their purposes.. but, it is my experience, both by observation and experience, that in most atheletic endeavors, a well trained and disciplined holistic approach, including CTS/muscle awarenesses produces the most beneficial results..

    Surely, there is no harm in investigating the claims of CTS's benefits.. trying some of the recommended techniques, and making informed decisions.. it seems more prudent than rejecting claims based on "tradition", or things which we are comfortable with..

    Be well..
    Last edited by TaiChiBob; 09-26-2006 at 11:07 AM.
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

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