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Thread: What's Your Workout Like?

  1. #16
    Taijimantis Guest


    Thats what I thought.
    Those who have decent knees do this in a circle during class warm ups.
    Personally, Sifu put my knee bac to where it was ten years ago, before the road rash and the wrecked motorcycle...
    Ill stick to lower impact exercises thanx :)

  2. #17
    Andrew Guest
    Well when I first started trainng, Hung gar. I'd train six nights a week. I was quite lucky, I could run into the school, which took about 45 minutes. I'd do some of my own training i.e cardio work /sparring/form work before the lesson, then have lesson. This worked out between 2 hours and 4 hours. On sundays training would start at 11:30 and may have finished any where between 1:30 and 4:00.

    When I was out of work I used to train between 2 to 4 hours a day i.e 2 hours in the morning 2 in the evening. This would be a whole collection of things, strength training, running, forms, ,stance training, drilling techniques.

    When I started work this basically fell to at least an hour a day on stance/forms/strength training on a non-lesson day and 4 hours on a lesson day ( 2 days a week).

    What I've learnt is that its not the hours that are important, its your mind set which is most important. The quality of your training is what's most important. If you only do 45 minutes,in which you truly concentrate, in which your mind only works on the techniques involved this is more benefical that the number of hours etc. Also the quality of your exercises, well executed techniques are far more important. You do not want to drill bad techniques or bad form, because you wish to fill time.

    These are just my findings.

  3. #18
    Paul DiMarino Guest
    I wasn't going to post this, but I'm bored at work right now. Here it goes. This is my yearly training regimen.

    Weights/Strength Training:

    Week 1-2

    sumo deadlift 2x5
    side press 2x5
    pull-ups 2x5
    -do all exercises everyday M-F

    Week 3-4

    deadlift 2x5
    bench 2x5
    chin-ups 2x5
    -do all exercises everyday M-F

    Week 5-6

    clean 5x2
    push press2x5
    pull-ups 5x2
    -do all exercises everyday M-F

    Week 7-8

    squat 2x5
    incline bench 2x5
    chin-ups 5x2
    -do all exercises everyday M-F

    Week 9-12

    M/Th Bench 2x50
    M/Th Squat 2x50
    M/Th Seated Rows 2x50
    -do all exercises everyday M-F

    Week 13


    Week 14-15

    deads 2x5
    side press 2x5
    pull-ups 5x2
    -do all exercises everyday M-F

    Week 15-17

    sumo dl 2x5
    bench 2x5
    chins 5x2
    -do all exercises everyday M-F

    Week 18-19

    clean 5x2
    push press2x5
    pulls 2x5
    -do all exercises everyday M-F

    Week 20-21

    squat 2x5
    incline 2x5
    chin 2x5
    -do all exercises everyday M-F

    Week 22-25

    M/Th Incline Bench 2x50
    M/Th Squat 2x50
    M/Th Seated Rows 2x50

    26 July 2-6


    Week 27-29

    Scrapper's Bodyweight Workout/Combat Conditioning
    <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A>

    Week 30-32

    M/Th Bench 4x6-8
    M/Th Push Press 4x6-8
    Tu/F Deadlift 4x6-8
    Tu/F Pull-ups 4x6-8

    Week 33-35

    M/Th Bench 6x2-3 1x8
    M/Th Push Press 6x2-3 1x8
    Tu/F Deadlift 6x2-3 1x8
    Tu/F Pull-ups 6x2-3 1x8

    Week 36-38

    M/Th Incline Bench 4x6-8
    M/Th D/B Press 4x6-8
    Tu/F Squat 4x6-8
    Tu/F Chin-ups 4x6-8

    Week 39-41

    M/Th Incline Bench 6x2-3 1x8
    M/Th D/B Press 6x2-3 1x8
    Tu/F Squat 6x2-3 1x8
    Tu/F Chin-ups 6x2-3 1x8

    Week 42



    Combat Conditioning/Scrapper Routines





    I basically do straight up running on an Elliptical machine (easy on knees) for cardio. For muscular endurance, the sets of 50 and combat conditioning help, but I also do this routine twice per week. <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A>


    You may have noticed that I didn't mention any ab training. When lifting weights I do 1 month of Janda Sit-ups on MWF for 3 sets of 5 reps, and alternate with 1 month of either Ab wheel exrecise/decline sit-ups or dragonflags/one-arm deadlifts on MWF for 3 sets of 5 reps. When doing the bodyweight exrecises, I do high rep routines consisting of good mornings, sit&tucks, crunches, etc.

    That's it. I think. :)

  4. #19
    eccesignum Guest

    In other words...


    Think GREAT BIG circle-jumps


  5. #20
    3BladesFighter Guest

    My training routine...

    Push-ups- 100
    Squats- 15 (1 minute on each squat)
    Knuckle push-ups- 100 (50 vertical, 50 horizontal)
    Calf Raises- 150
    Weights- 100 repitition for freeweights
    50 times on bench press
    *squats-- 20

    Push-ups- 250
    Sit-ups- 500
    Squats- 50(30 seconds on each squat)
    Calf raises- 600
    Weights- 200 repitition for freeweights
    75 times on bench press
    *squats-- 50
    calve raises-- 100
    Knuckle push-ups- 500 (250 vertical, 250 horizontal)
    Side-abdominal Raises- 400(200 on each side)

    Calve Raises- 100
    Squats- 20(1 minute on each squat)
    5-mile jog- goal(5 minutes better each time

    Spar with friends- 30 minutes
    Punching bag- 1 hour
    Shadow-boxing- 45 minutes
    Technique Training- 30 minutes

    (Double the Monday workout)

    Tai Chi- 1 hour
    Spiritual Training- 1 hour
    Internal Training- 1 hour
    Stealth Training- 30 minutes
    Meditation- 2 hours

    I hope i helped at least some of you to use at least one day from my training workout.

    Build from the past, live in the present, and "ignore the future. What you do now determines what happens later" -Phoenix

  6. #21
    Taijimantis Guest

    e s...

    Its about time you got here!
    Where ya been?

  7. #22
    Budokan Guest
    I can tell you in one word what my workout is like: Painful.

    Yet I keep doing it everyday. Go figure.

    K. Mark Hoover

  8. #23
    eccesignum Guest
    where have I been?


    Heh. Actually I just discovered this place. Kinda like it.

    Do Not Enter the Dining Hall Until You Are Fully Cleansed

  9. #24
    Braden Guest
    Every day:
    Dawn: 20 minutes of bagua qigong, 10 minutes of bagua eight heavenly stretches.

    Dusk: ditto.

    Evening: 30 minutes of circlewalking, in various mixtures of dragon palm, 8 palm changes, and 64 palm changes.

    Every even day:
    45 minutes of jiang rong qiao's original form.

    45 minutes of single movement applications.

    Every second odd day:
    3x12 lying tricep curls.
    3x12 standing tricep curls.
    3x12 incline bicep curls.
    3x12 seated alternating bicep curls.
    3 forearm roller sets
    3x12 knee extensions
    3x12 reverse knee extensions/leg curls
    3x30 calf raises
    3x25 raised leg crunches
    3x25 leg raises
    3x12 opposite side bend and raises (obliques)

    Every other odd day:
    3x12 close grip bench press
    3x12 lying flys
    3x12 negative incline flys
    3x12 deltoid raises
    3x12 upright rows
    4x12 seated lateral raises
    4x12 military presses

    When I wasn't crazy busy with school, there was a good chunk of CV work and plyometrics I did too. I superset all my weight-training, which both saves times and gives a decent CV workout. The bagua stuff is good for speed (and great for leg and abdominal strength), but I'm planning on finding a way to squeeze plyometrics in again soon.

    [This message was edited by Braden on 01-14-01 at 12:23 AM.]

  10. #25
    Fon Guest
    I basically concentrate around Muscle Endurance.
    So...two times a week, I do that sandbag routine that Paul posted ( but with a few changes. I'll just post the whole thing here.

    o Bear-hug the sandbar, lift it and walk around for at least 30 seconds. When you pick up this bag, make sure you bend your knees. You'll quickly discover that sandbags force you to use a round-back style of lifting, just like in combat. If you are not used to this type of lifting, start lighter and progress gradually.

    o Drop the bag and perform as many chin-ups as you can. Using an underhand grip, start every repetition with a hang and make sure you bring your chest up to the bar.
    Move slowly and don't stop between reps. You probably won't be able to perform chin-ups for more then 30 or 40 seconds.

    o Wrest the sandbag off the floor again for another grueling 30 seconds.

    o Drop the bag and do a set of dips. Move slowly and do not rest between reps. By now your body should be in serious oxygen debt and you're probably sucking wind like a
    vacuum hose. This is just the beginning.

    o Grip the lighter bag by the canvas (like gripping a uniform) and walk around for 30 seconds.

    o Reverse your grip and do a second set of chins. Right now you are asking yourself what kind of nut wants to work out this hard. The answer? The kind of nut who wants to be able to grapple all-out for six to 10 minutes with gas to spare while his opponent lies gasping at his feet.

    o Grasp the lighter bag by the canvas and follow up with a set of push-ups. If you're not staggering by now, have a friend call Ripley's Believe it or Not. You're
    reeling, but you can't quit now. Think of it as a life-and combat situation…you quit, you die. You are conditioning your will and your mind as you master your body.

    o Pick up the lightest sandbag, or a set of dumbbells, and hold a horse stance for as long as possible.

    o Drop the dumbbells. Hold the lightest sandbag to your chest, and do a set of crunches. At this point you are taping into your very mechanism. Don't stop now.

    o Time for the Horse Stance again. Try to Hold it for at least 90 seconds.

    o Now as every fiber in your body screams, finish this off by grasping the lighter bag by the canvas and continuously clean and press it from below your knees to over your
    head for 15 repetitions without letting it touch the floor. Oh, I forgot to warn you, you may want to have a puke-bucket handy.

    3-4 times a week, I do the Deck of Cards routine (Hearts = Push-ups Diamonds = pull-ups Spades = Squats The other black thingy = Bootstrappers)
    There's an explanation to the Deck of Cards at <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"></A>

    I tripped over those laces I never learned to tie, but I got up, and I'll keep getting up every time.
    -Zebadiah Adam Zaharris

  11. #26
    Boulder Student Guest

    Here's mine.

    -Tai Chi - short yang
    Throughout the problem since I work from home and have a yard:
    Rattan Staff/forms practice
    200 situps
    25 Fingertip, 25 vertical fist, 25 horizontal fist, and 25 reverse fist pushups.
    10 minutes on the heavy bag.
    20 minute run/bike with the dogs.
    Tai Chi - short yang
    Class three times a week.

    When I'm tired or I hike, bike, or snowboard I only do Tai Chi and Meditation. I never hike, bike, or snowboard on I day I have class.

    I spend about 15 hours a week "training."


    One must toughen up without losing one's tenderness.

  12. #27
    silk Guest

    The Workout....

    I don't have much to do other than school and training so some of this might seems strange.

    6:30 - 7:30 Jog
    7:40 - 7:59 Hard sprint, non-stop

    8:00 - 12:30 School
    12:30 - 12:40 Lunch (I always eat a HUGE lunch...)
    12:40 - 1:30 Jump rope
    1:30 - 3:30 Back to class

    3:35 Start working out

    Stretch with light kicking and traditional
    500 chin-ups
    500 push ups (thumb, tri, knuckle; vert and hor, wide - each 100)
    500 Crunches (Full, leg lifts, and so on)
    Half-an-hour of jogging
    400 kness to chest jumps
    400 frog

    -Kata for an hour
    -All the basics and a few fancy-shmancy moves for an hour and a half.
    -Hour or more of horsestance (not exactly traditional but... headphones really help pass the time!)

    -Class 4 hour (4 different arts)
    -Funstuff with friends(Cartwheels, backflips, fight with breakdancing moves, etc.)

    -Eat some kind of supplement to resupply bodily fuels

    -Swim (hardcore swimming!)
    -Makiwara and Iron Palm training

    Go home


    I don't really weightlift since my 8+ hours of working out a day are usually enough. I train everyday of the week.

    I hope this may be a helpful guide as well. And just so it doesn't look like I'm some kind of superman... there was a time I could do 10 push-ups max.

    And if you want to jump high, jump a lot. That's all there's too it. Do a lot jumping. ;)

    "Karate is like boiling water; if you do not keep the flame high, it turns tepid." - Gichin Funakoshi

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