Umm, why is no-one dogging the clip where he is somewhat younger and has open space? Is anyone discussing that clip, or? Seriously, I can't tell.

No-one is saying much of anything about any of the clips other than the norm/ common responses. So I'll throw out a common response. Does anyone notice that in his younger clip he is flowing pretty good? He seems to be flowing more and worrying less about mechanics and structure. I think this is good to do with forms sometimes, because it makes the form more alive, and it shows the mechanical mistakes and flaws of a system. I don't know, but to me it looks a little more like he is moving like fighting and shadow-boxing, than worrying about slowing it down and checking the basics. Hmmm. What do you guys think? Should forms, over time be expressed in the same way as the practitioner fights? Or is it more important to always worry on the structure, the mechanics, the basics, and so on? Either way, I know many, many "Masters," who if they did their forms "full out with full speed," would make their forms look hideous.