Thanks for the effort, but I have no interest in proving or disproving anything about Doo Wai. I've got my own personal opinion, as does everyone on the forum. I'm just asking about the style, Bak Fu Pai. And in regard to BFP, so far I've only seen people's opinions, and no one doing any actual research. No one even bothered to watch Doo's form in slow-motion.

One interesting thing however, I've heard lots of people say the 5 Elder history (which is in the history of many arts in some form or fashion) is from the Evergreen Chronicles, while I've always considered it more likely that the author of the Chronicles got it from Triad folklore. Then Ross not only tells us Miu Hing was a real guy, but that his descendants are known in China, and where they are. Who would of thunk it?

Quote Originally Posted by Reality_Check View Post
A simple Google search only turns up links to Doo Wai, his students, and his disowned students. All of them are in the United States. I have found nothing from outside of the US. If there is Bak Fu Pai in China, they really seem to keep quiet about it.

Of course, I could be wrong, and I would be thrilled for Doo Wai or his students here to post a link to a school in China. Or answer some of the questions posted in this thread. However, I suspect that is simply wishful thinking on my part.