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Thread: Dear angry people...

  1. #1

    Dear angry people...

    Please make use of this handy little (and cute!) emoticon to express your discomfort:

    This will produce a much more concise thread than using large amounts of ultimately inane text with no paragraphs in hope of sounding 'logical'. In addition to boring me less, im thinking if we save enough bandwidth Gene might buy us a pony

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, Australia
    You have offended me, and you have offended the Shaolin temple!!!

    As soon as I find my dueling glove, you are so getting glove slapped.
    Up and down, forward and backward, left and right, its all the same. All of this is done with the mind, not externaly.
    Shaped dragon and looking monkey, sitting tiger and turning eagle.

    "I wonder how they would do against jon's no-tension fu. I bet they'd do REALLY WELL."
    - Huang Kai Vun

  3. #3
    I only feel some what frustrated but never angered.

    1. when people ask me what you are doing internal or external.

    after some explanations and some demo.

    they still left unconvinced, or just have no clue.

    the best way to learn something is to do it yourself.

    I may talk all day long and demo over and over.


    2. for people not trained in CMA and expressed tons of "in depth" knowing what CMA would do or would not do?

    how could you comment on something you duno about?


  4. #4
    when ever I feel upset or not happy;

    I look at the sky, the ever changing shapes of the cloud or million's upon million's stars at clear nite--

    my problems then seem inconsequential--

    for people that comment on something they dun really know;

    there is a saying about the frog that lives at the bottom of the well, a bird visited him and asked how big the sky, the frog said as big as the well,


    your mind is only limited by your openness,


  5. #5
    I would name him Starshine and ride him every day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    right here.
    i bet you'd ride him.
    where's my beer?

  7. #7
    some find comfort in a song, a story, a poem, a religion, a prayer, a thought---

    expectation-> frustration-> anger

    some find comfort in snack, tea, --

    a good story and a song work for me when I feel down.

  8. #8

    u like kelly clarkson

    hahahahahh lmfao !!!!!!!!
    there are only masters where there are slaves

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaolin Wookie View Post
    5. The reason you know you're wrong: I'm John Takeshi, and I said so, beeyotch.

  9. #9

    Thumbs up

    a good song is ringing in your soul.

    a good story would shake/shape your spirits.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Kelly Clarkson?!

    No ponies for any of you.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Austin, TX

    Don't worry I feel ya Bro.

    And just so your not alone in your effeminate musical choices here's a couple I like.
    - 三和拳

    "Civilize the mind but make savage the body" Mao Tse Tsung

    "You're certainly intelligent enough to know how to be a good person without the lead weights of religious dogma." Serpent

    "There is no evidence that the zombie progeny of an incestuous space ghost cares what people do." MasterKiller

    "If there isn't a chance that you're going to lose in a fight, then you're not fighting tough enough competition." ShaolinTiger00


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    when we are frustrated or angered, we may eventually come to wonder why we are in this state.

    The question is, do we blame someone else for how we are feeling or do we look at ourselves and find the defect there?

    Detach from that which is not so important, which quite frankly is pretty much everything and take heed of that which is important, which is also pretty much everything.

    Understand that it seems to be within human nature, especially in this medium to seek validation and defend against goading.

    se this, and anywhere or anything liek it for what it is. Once youcan do that, your anger will quell. You might even be happy that you finally understand a little more about your own true nature.

    Doesn't mean you won't get angry, just means you'll take the time to check yourself for the real reasons first.

    Anger is an extension of fear. Fear of losing power, fear of getting your own sense of self diminished, fear of being seen in a way other than you wish to be percieved. All foolishness.

    If a mosquito bites you, you have a choice of either gently brushing it away when it has had it's fill which is no great loss to yourself or smacking it dead. either way, you've still lost your drop of blood, but with the former you have helped to sustain an insect and in the latter you have done no such thing and in fact have accomplished even less.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    unless that mosquito is carrying malaria or dysentery or the plague.... lol

    "better to reside in hell knowing the truth than to be blissfully ignorant in heaven."

    "Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."- Doug Adams

    I dare you to make less sense!

    "Freeze?! You know if i drop the tooth fairy i'm only gettin' started mother****er!"

    "It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    yea i admit i have an anger management problem. lol did ya notice? i tried meditating once or twice but i haven't the patience for it, which is exactly the reason that i need to be doing it. i need that inner peace deal. i have no patience, im hard to please, i got no sense of serenity. those are song lyrics by the way but they sum up my problem pretty good.

    i been catching myself though when i go off, so hopefully it gets better. drinking and smoking among other things doesn't help, the music i listen to probably doesn't either. but thank god im not an inherently violent person. the last fight i had was in 4th grade. physical violence isn't my problem. i hate it infact. its more mental, psychological. im gonna go back to the library and re-checkout that buddhist meditation book i had. ill tell you how that works out for me.

    "better to reside in hell knowing the truth than to be blissfully ignorant in heaven."

    "Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."- Doug Adams

    I dare you to make less sense!

    "Freeze?! You know if i drop the tooth fairy i'm only gettin' started mother****er!"

    "It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it." - George Carlin

  15. #15

    my bro's laughed so hard on the Shaolin soccer movie. I like the Tai Chi dough making.

    the humor is subtle but LOL.

    comedy is the best sale. or laughter is contagious.

    my bro favorite song from 70's.

    we both like the movie.

    especially, the 3 heroes, the northern leg/kick, southern fist and the staff. they came out to save the kid from getting incinerated and faced the gangster crowd.

    the staff sweeps one area of the heaven or sweeps an army of a thousand.

    Nan Quan Bei Tui, Gun Sao Yi Pian Tian or Heng Sao Qian Jun.

    I also like the story of Chan with the candy. the boy, girl, the candy/lollipop.

    Last edited by SPJ; 12-07-2006 at 10:31 PM.

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