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Thread: History of Shaolin Chan in the USA?

  1. #1

    History of Shaolin Chan in the USA?

    I am writing to ask for some assistance in the history of Chinese Buddhism in NYC Chinatown with an emphasis on Shaolin Chan if possible. I am trying to establish a concise history of the Chinese migration to NYC in relation to the establishment of Buddhism there to find the link to Shaolin Ch'an in America. It is to my understanding from my Sifu Shi Xiao Ping that Shaolin Ch'an in America originated an Order in NYC Chinatown. Any links to the history of Shaolin Ch'an in America that you may know of would be of great assistance. Please, any information you provide list the resources for your facts as this is a work in progress to be published.

    O-mi-to Fo
    North American Order of Shaolin Chan

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    suzuki and watts were instrumental in the introduction of zen to the west.

    shaolin order would be much later, as in, not that long ago at all. People practicing zen buddhism in the states, or in the west in general has been going on for a while. Outside of chinese, korean or japanese populations, probably since the 50's or so. Inside those populations, as long as they have been here in the west and free to practice their religion.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

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