Quote Originally Posted by tug View Post
Well, I for one had an awesome Festivus!

The Feats of Strength was won by me because my rents are in their 60's, although my mom sure gave me a run for my money. She almost beat me in "See who can pin the other the longest", but I pulled a kimura on her, broke her arm, and she conceded!

The pole never went up because dad decided he wanted to show off his sword/spear/staff forms prowess, and promptly shattered the sliding glass door and then proceeded to break the pole over my head. It was very reminiscent of the Star Wars kid vid. Luckily, I saw it coming and chi-blasted it just at the right moment in order to avoid injury.

The airing of grievances didn't go so well either. Grams decided today was the day she was going to tell us we all sUck because we took away her car keys and she's been stuck in the house for 6 years with just her 13 cats and nothing else to do as a result.

We didn't get to any of the other events after that because Uncle Dave got high and started a food fight, which somehow ended up turning into naked twister. Don't ask, I have no idea how that happened.

All in all, I have to say, this year's Festivus was certainly one to remember.

Can't wait til next year! Hope you all had as good a time as I did.


Oh what a nice normal sounding family!