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Thread: Taoist Sex Practices

  1. #31
    prana Guest

    The Jing :)

    Medicine Buddha
    om namo bhagawate hekandzyai - guru bendurya prabha andzaya - tatagataya - arhate - samyaksam buddhaya - tayata om bhekandzyai bhekandzyai - maha bhekandzyai bhekandzyai -randza samungate soha

  2. #32
    Nexus Guest

    Just a small thought..

    but people may be slightly too worried about your qi being drained, as I should say that if you are a well practiced martial artist, the difference will be very small and unnoticable if you are attacked and forced to defend yourself. Its not as if you will walk out of your ladies house after a good shag and be unable to move your arms to block an attack, its just your energy will be slightly drained/less. It on the other hand will still likely be higher then the average persons as you are doing qi gong and such often.

    Don't forget to have some fun in this life.

    - Nexus

    Freedom is what you do with what is done to you. - Sartres

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Taoist sex

    I can't remember which one I read but one instructs that at the point before ejaculation to place the pointer and middle finger tightly against the baihui point (between the testicles and anus) to prevent from losing jing(vital essence).

    If you experience wet dreams its a sign that the demon of lust is trying to take your life or stop you from practice, at least thats what I was told. That you should abandon your desire of lust (or was it emotion of lust?). In traditional Taoism it is advised never to give up your jing. Let it take years if you have to before you give up one drop. "The one exception is when you accumulate a large amount of yin qi to supliment the yang. Women are supposed to have unlimited yin qi and men have a limited amount of yang." This is from early Taoist thought.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Orlando, Florida

    If you are interested in some verifiable information.. this site is explicit and well researched.. i have found nothing that is inconsistent with my own training.. OPEN MINDED ADULTS ONLY.. there are detailed discussions of the practices suggested in this thread..

    The menu bar on the left will help you navigate by areas of interest..

    Be well..
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Huntington, NY, USA website:
    How does this relate to iron palm, cinnabar palm, etc?

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lone Star State
    I am wondering if these locking techniques have a negative impact on the prostate?(ie: not being able to urinate as quick as you want due to these locking methods described by Nexus).Or what about a positive impact? as in helping to shrink the prostate? The reason i ask is that when i have done certain meditative practices where i am tightening the perrenial muscles and relaxing them, i find that urinating takes a longer time. now my health in that area is fine and has been checked to make sure of this. So any insights to this would be helpful.

    It makes me mad when people say I turned and ran like a scared rabbit. Maybe it was like an angry rabbit, who was going to fight in another fight, away from the first fight.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    This has been on my mind recently. I've got a number of books and each gives a slightly different statement about how long after ejaculation one should refrain from practicing qigong or martial arts because of possible harm that could be done to your energy system after losing jing. I, for one, feel absolutely drained after ejaculation... though only after doing it through either self-stimulation, oral sex or "pulling out." The last book I read with anything regarding Taoist sexual practices was Deng Ming-Dao's Scholar Warrior that said to wait 24 hours after before practice. Seems to work for me, if I don't get too stressed that day after that is.

    Anyone got anything else in that regard?

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Zenshiite View Post
    This has been on my mind recently. I've got a number of books and each gives a slightly different statement about how long after ejaculation one should refrain from practicing qigong or martial arts because of possible harm that could be done to your energy system after losing jing. I, for one, feel absolutely drained after ejaculation... though only after doing it through either self-stimulation, oral sex or "pulling out." The last book I read with anything regarding Taoist sexual practices was Deng Ming-Dao's Scholar Warrior that said to wait 24 hours after before practice. Seems to work for me, if I don't get too stressed that day after that is.

    Anyone got anything else in that regard?
    Well, I believe that you can still go through the full motion of ejaculation without having to use pressure points and still not lose as much qi as you normally would. As awkward as this may sound, practice makes perfect.

    Keep in mind that any "Daoist" literature other than the original deal itself is just elaboration. So don't make the mistake of following "daoist" practice that seem to contradict the original concept of Daoism. I was taught not to practice sex during a time when I regularly Qigong. I think that trying to find a way around that just wastes time, like playing out a loophole in Qi loss.
    Last edited by NJM; 01-19-2007 at 05:45 PM.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Feb 2004

    This is funny!

    99.99999999999999999999999% of the waigouren playing at being 'taoist' because it fits some role-playing fantasy of eastern spirituality or makes them think that their rejection of their own family's faith and practices isn't as hollowing as they sense it to be, are desperate (when they even bother to learn about it) to build excuses and rationalities into the props they try to drape themselves with while not actually embracing anything of what they profess to believe.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Sex Practices

    [QUOTE=JDK;733087] I was taught both in Boxing and Martial Arts that the longer one goes without sex...the stronger and more fierce one becomes.

    Old Masters learned this centuries ago...Western Boxers learned it by accident.
    Early Boxing Trainers quickly recognized that having wives and girlfriends at Training Camp was not only was effecting the Boxers performance.

    So they adopted the seclusion Training Camp idea to keep the fighter concentrated on little else other than the upcoming fight. In the process they came to se that the longer a fighter was not having sex...the meaner and better Fight he fought. ( Hence the famous line form the movie Rocky by his trainer "Mick" ...Women weaken legs!!!!!!! How true it is.

    I have found through experience this is absolutely true.

    In Martial Arts...I got the explanation as to WHY this is true. God designed our bodies to re-absorb un-used semen and send it to the Spinal Cord and strengthen the Nervous System. We all feel drained after sex. That is because our Vital Energy has been expended...and it takes about 24 hours to begin regenerating new sperm cells.
    This is also why it is not a good idea to practice Chi Gong or Internal Exercises right after sex.

    Remember...the entire area we are talking about in men and women is the Cradle Of Life.( from your lower abdomen to your Thigh Bones...ALOT of important functions happen !

    Babies are born through the union of egg and sperm
    Our Thigh Bones actually produce our Blood Supply for the Body
    Our food is assimilated and digested in that area
    Many exercise in the Arts teach us to concentrate on that area ( dan ten) my humble opinion through research and should be practiced in moderation.

    Have you ever met someone who was having sex almost nightly for several months ? They are drained, mellowed, tired, sometime sick, and they just dont look or feel right.

    All things in moderation the Bible ( AND many other sources say)

    This includes sexual Intercourse...

    "It's not WHO'S right...its WHAT'S right" Truth Comes from many Sources
    so try and disregard WHO is saying it..and explore if WHAT is being said has any Truth to It.

  11. #41
    Join Date
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    Orlando, Florida

    99.99999999999999999999999% of the waigouren playing at being 'taoist' because it fits some role-playing fantasy of eastern spirituality or makes them think that their rejection of their own family's faith and practices isn't as hollowing as they sense it to be, are desperate (when they even bother to learn about it) to build excuses and rationalities into the props they try to drape themselves with while not actually embracing anything of what they profess to believe.
    LOL.. and, this is someone's "opinion".. equally valid in the inverse percentile range.. speaking of funny...

    That post had much more validity when it remained unposted.. the wasabi that can be tasted, is not the true wasabi..

    Be well...
    TaiChiBob.. "the teacher that is not also a student is neither"

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by TaiChiBob View Post

    LOL.. and, this is someone's "opinion".. equally valid in the inverse percentile range.. speaking of funny...

    That post had much more validity when it remained unposted.. the wasabi that can be tasted, is not the true wasabi..

    Be well...
    If you were a sage, you wouldn't have posted that post. But I'm not the sage or the common man, I'm the composite man who laughs out loud.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    bang a trucker for luck...

    ...because he's a taoist master.
    Hong Kong truck driver seduces model using good luck ritual
    Asia-Pacific News
    Nov 19, 2009, 3:48 GMT

    Hong Kong - A Hong Kong truck driver who convinced a model to have sex with him by claiming it was ritual that would change her luck, said he had done the same thing with several other women before, a court report said Thursday.

    Au Yeung Kwok-fu, a self-proclaimed Taoist master, told the court he had performed the same ritual with six or seven women to 'change their fate' over the last 10 years.

    The 55-year-old driver appeared in court Wednesday in the ongoing trial. He has pleaded not guilty to nine counts of unlawful sex by false pretence between April and December 2007, claiming the sex was part of a spiritual ritual.

    The charges relate to a 19-year-old model who sought help from Au Yeung because she was struggling to get her career off the ground.

    Au Yeung claimed to be a master of Taoism - an ancient Chinese belief system which promotes harmony with nature and uses meditation and rituals.

    The ritual alleged to change the model's fate involved Au Yeung writing signs and words on her naked body followed by sex.

    Giving evidence, Au Yeung said he had learned the ritual from a Taoist master when he was 19 years old and had spent six months in Thailand learning about Taoism.

    He said the ritual lasted between 45 minutes and three hours, according to a report in the South China Morning Post.

    The case continued Thursday.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    I have mastered this technique of holding back ejeculate. This can prolong your sexual prowess considerably as you will also be well able to retain your erection. Before you reach orgasm again it will be a very long time, possibly hours. You can put a lady into comma by then.
    It is achieved simply by restricting the urethra just as it passes through the prostrate. In the beginning I had to flex and restrict it completely, but learned to restrict only about 5 inches of it leading through the prostrate. The semenal fluid never leaves the prostate gland actually.
    This has absolutely nothing to do with Chi, Jing, or anything else other than it is purely a sexual thing. I was commonly refered to as the Reverand Lee. I led many young women to have religious experiences. They would start yelling, Oh God, I'm coming. Oh God. You know, most young women in their prime tend to be multi orgasmic. Someone should start another thread about Jelking.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Northridge, CA
    He said the ritual lasted between 45 minutes and three hours, according to a report in the South China Morning Post.
    ... and in reality the ritual lasted around a minute.

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