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Thread: Mas Oyama

  1. #46
    Ironpig Guest


    Some of my best training before CMA came from Kyokushinkai Krate. I enjoyed the tough classes, the full contact training and the pace of the class a great deal..Shins still bear the marks from training..

    In fact, I should go back and train that style again to lose the weight I have gained playing video games....heh,

    If you get the chance to work with a good school, take it. You will get a chance to see some excellent basics with an emphasis on reality in training.

    just a few pennies from a pig.....
    -"bigger is BIGGER"


  2. #47

    Sosai Mas Oyama

    Sosai is for real I know of more than one person who saw the bull fights and I know that he did the 300 man Kumite because My father was one of Sosai's 1st U.S. Students and traveled with him. Sosai made the Kyokushin what it is today by fighting anyone he could. This way he beleived that people would want to train in Kyokushin. Which they did. He was not super man but he was a warrior and set the example for us all. Do a technique a 1,000 times you ae learning it 10,000 times you know it and 100,000 time s you own it . This is a quote from Sosai Oyama

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    South FL. Which is not to be confused with any part of the USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Kung Lek View Post
    This is the inherent problem with fame.
    Those who would want a piece of what you have done either create a cult of personality or dismiss you as a fraud. Not often is the simple lesson taken for what it is, a lesson.

    Buddha was elevated to a god in some sects even at the protests of the buddha!
    The same can be said of Jesus depending on your perception and beliefs as well Mohammed and all the rest.

    To me, it is in the lessons and teachings where a person can find the value from anothers trials and tribulations. Application to the self is where it serves you best.

    In simpler terms, it is the deeds, words and actions that are great and not the act of following the person who did, said or acted.
    follow the words, act on their meaning to do great deeds, if done with humility, much can be accomplished een by an anonymous person.

    I of course, have not fully learned how to do this yet

    But, I'm just another guy, walkin around, eating food and doin stuff


    Kung Lek

    Martial Arts Links

    I liked Kung Lek better than David Jaimeson.

    "George never did wake up. And, even all that talking didn't make death any least not for us. Maybe, in the end, all you can really hope for is that your last thought is a nice one...even if it's just about the taste of a nice cold beer."

    "If you find the right balance between desperation and fear you can make people believe anything"

    "Is enlightenment even possible? Or, did I drive by it like a missed exit?"

    It's simpler than you think.

    I could be completely wrong"

  4. #49
    you guys know there's this korean movie that they made based on him called "fighter in the wind"

    I'm a bjj guy i know that the gracies have everything on tape that's great they want to prove everything; but at that time in japan cameras was not that easily accessable and from my knowledge the media was following him from dojo to dojo due to the fact that he publicly announced his challenges. He was in japanese newspaper everywhere.

    And to Ralek I read your statement and u stated he did not fight AT THAT time. In other words that period of his life; I would definitely hope so when he's that old.

    and also BJJ is GREAT but u gotta expand your mind

  5. #50
    undefeated?i thought he had one lose and that was to a tai chi master in china.
    anyone know about this?

  6. #51
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Hobart Tasmania - Australia
    I heard a story that he through out a challange to all in Japan saying other arts were no good etc etc.

    Apparently Hatsumi (Ninjutsu Master) said he would take him on live TV for all to see and after that Sosai shut up - he declined to take him on and ate humble pie.

    Not 100% sure if it was Hatsumi it could have been someone else, cant remember who though

    Not sure if there is alot of of truth to this but heard it doing the rounds.

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