I don't know if I spelled that right or not.

Anyway, I got this back problem. My spine tends to bend uh...forward more. Not like scholiosis, which bends to the side, mine bends forward. Basically, look in the mirror. If you were staring at yourself, with your chest towards the mirror and had scholiosis, your spine will bend like and S (not that bent unless you had it badly.) It's clearly visible from the front and back (if you have it badly) but not at the side.

Now, turn to where your shoulders are facing the mirror and your chest isn't showing. Now imagine your spine shaped like a question mark (?), but not as bent at the top. That is kyposis. My spine bends upwards like a question mark. Clearly visible on the side, but not in the front or back.

So now for my question. Does anyone know of any good exercises to help straighten the spine out? It isn't dangerous to straight kyposis out (many doctors have told me and gave me just a few exercises, but push that I should get surgery so they can get money). If I had scoliosis, it would be dangerous. So does anyone know of any good back exercises? Thanks.