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Thread: what gives?

  1. #1
    stubbs Guest

    what gives?

    ok, i've started working on my stomach and trying to get a six-pack showing, i have a solid stomach and it can take alot of damage but all i can feel is a big 4-pack and a really diddy 2-pack, and they're quite flat with little indents that define the muscle groups. so, what gives?

    "satisfaction loses,and humility gains"

  2. #2
    SevenStar Guest
    where is the diddy two pack, and what exercises are you doing? my first guess would be that you are not doing exercises that train that area.

    "You ain't got enough calcium to have a bone to pick wit me,
    like a Gracie, I'll choke a ***** out wit his own gi" - Rass Kass

  3. #3
    stubbs Guest
    my diddy 2-pack is the bottom group of muscles, it is getting worked because the whole of my stomach is solid, just not evenly distributed in terms of size.

    i do all sorts of exercises including crunches, leg raises and drops, cruches sideways, and hanging off my chin up bar and lifting my legs up straight as well as other exercises, i keep changing my routine around.

    "satisfaction loses,and humility gains"

  4. #4
    Sharky Guest
    when doing the hanging leg raises, try to do them slower, and don't let yourself "swing" your legs. don't let your back, er, go backwards ;)

    "You can't see it if you blind but we will always prevail (true)/Life is like the open sea, the truth is the wind in our sail/And in the end, our names is on the lips of dying men/If ever crushed in the earth, we always rise again/When the words of lying men sound lush like the sound of a violin/The truth is there, it's just the heart you gotta find it in" - Talib Kweli

  5. #5
    Brian_CA Guest
    It may be your diet. In order to get "super" defined abs, your diet needs to be very clean. Check with a nutritionist in your area, but I would try eating lots of lean protiens. Cut down on your dairy intake and eat lots of veggies. Also, stop you intake of alcoholic beverages.

    Hope this helps,

    San Francisco, CA

  6. #6
    Silumkid Guest
    If you are already doing all of the above, it may just be the way your abs are "built". It's a physical feature just like any other...your abs won't look like mine just as mine don't look like Lou Ferrigno's and so on.

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