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Thread: Video of a style I want to do!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Brandon, FL

    Video of a style I want to do!!

    This is sooo realistic, nobody can prove its fake! I want to practice this!

    Showed it to my friend Travis, and we both feel that we need to find someone who teaches this, its sooo awsome. After that, I will go to take Tae Kwan Do. Then I can be a Tae Kwan Psycho Do.

    Note: When watching this, does anyone else feel like they are watching South Park where Cartman fools people into thinking he is pyschic?

  2. #2
    I loved it...then I saw Beat Takashi...

    You made my friggin' day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Brandon, FL
    Showed it to my friend Travis, and we both feel that we need to find someone who teaches this, its sooo awsome. After that, I will go to take Tae Kwan Do. Then I can be a Tae Kwan Psycho Do.
    Ha ha! Unfortunately for you, you forgot about a little thing called "time travel." In 2048 AD I mastered this style from the only true legitimate heir to the style- Sonny Chiba's pickled head in a jar. However, by that time, Destroyman had already mucked things up fairly well.

    So I went back in time and taught myself this style yesterday. It may seem odd to learn a style in a day, but with my time-control powers I froze time while teaching myself this style, to where the equivalent of 3 years had passed. Then I showed myself where to buy a Beam Katana on eBay. Then they made a game about me.

    I would teach you too, but you'll have to wait until you're able to time-travel again, because in 2050, you figure out this trick to curving shots on the Arm Cannon that I STILL can't figure out, and I told you I wouldn't teach you the Psycho Do stuff until you could teach me how to do that. However, your shoulder's still acting up, so you'll have to wait until last week before you're able to visit yourself.
    "Prepare your mind..." "For a mind explosion!"
    -The Human Giant, Illusionators

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Brandon, FL
    Quote Originally Posted by BlueTravesty View Post
    Ha ha! Unfortunately for you, you forgot about a little thing called "time travel." In 2048 AD I mastered this style from the only true legitimate heir to the style- Sonny Chiba's pickled head in a jar. However, by that time, Destroyman had already mucked things up fairly well.

    So I went back in time and taught myself this style yesterday. It may seem odd to learn a style in a day, but with my time-control powers I froze time while teaching myself this style, to where the equivalent of 3 years had passed. Then I showed myself where to buy a Beam Katana on eBay. Then they made a game about me.

    I would teach you too, but you'll have to wait until you're able to time-travel again, because in 2050, you figure out this trick to curving shots on the Arm Cannon that I STILL can't figure out, and I told you I wouldn't teach you the Psycho Do stuff until you could teach me how to do that. However, your shoulder's still acting up, so you'll have to wait until last week before you're able to visit yourself.

    Holy cow.
    Thats about all I can say. I am going to have to talk to you about that game. o.O

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