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Thread: And so, what have we learned?

  1. #46
    too bad you have to be rich (98k) to buy one.

    basically they arent real unless you can afford it.

    It's in the right direction, but maybe companies should try to produce something affordable to normal human beings.

    The exotics are allways where it starts. In 5-6 years, they will have vehicles that cover every price range.

    The battery charges from fully dead to full in 4 hours. If you charge it after driving 100 miles, it charges in 2 hours.

    Think about this now, they have reacently developed a SPRAY on Solar paint that is more effficient than current solar technology. If you got your Tesla painted with that stuff, you would have a fully electric car that is powered by it's own PAINT!!

    You run out of power, park it in the open for several hours and you could conveivably have 25-50 miles of drive time on it for free.

    Heck, that being said, if you parked it in the open while you worked 8 hours, I bet you could get almost a 100 mile charge on it. With most people working 8 hours, and less than 50 miles from home, a combination of spray on solar collctors and this car, you might NEVER need to charge it!
    Last edited by RD'S Alias - 1A; 07-16-2007 at 04:09 PM.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Perth, Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by RD'S Alias - 1A View Post
    [I]too bad you have to be rich (98k) to buy one.

    Think about this now, they have reacently developed a SPRAY on Solar paint that is more effficient than current solar technology. If you got your Tesla painted with that stuff, you would have a fully electric car that is powered by it's own PAINT!!
    Got links?

    Never mind... Google does the funky and comes up with the goods.

    Still looks to be a few years away from real production, but it's always good to see the lab boys going all Neil Stephenson.

    Now if only they'd come up with a decent skullgun 'n' battle-armour...

    ...and neural implants. I wanna download kungfu.
    Last edited by Goldenmane; 07-17-2007 at 12:23 AM. Reason: gah... I haven't run that site for years.

    -A hundred enemies, a hundred cups of wine. Infinite enemies, infinite wine.-

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    What you want is the fully full on electric car.

    0-60 in 4 seconds.

    check it and be amazed mofos
    Oh yeah, that's the shiznit right there. I saw that on CNBC a few months back. Would love to have one. Except I would drive it like a maniac and would probably drain the batteries somewhere in the middle of a freeway and would have to be towed home. Guess I won't have to worry about this since I don't have the money.
    Master of Shaolin I-Ching Bu Ti, GunGoPow and I Hung Wei Lo styles.

    I am seeking sparring partner. Any level. Looking for blondes or redhead. 5'2" to 5'9". Between 115-135 weight class. Females between 17-30 only need apply. Will extensively work on grappling.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    All that's needed now is to seriously drop the price of the car and start a charging station or areas infrastructure. Hopefully they will share some of thier technology and allow other manufacturers to follow suit, to drive the cost down and allow such a charging infrastructure to take foot.

    Until then, or at least for the cost of the one out now, I can buy 3 Corollas and buy gas for probably close to 15 yrs.

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