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Thread: The challenge Match a hollywood script

  1. #1

    The challenge Match a hollywood script

    My Hollywood script

    Ok after seeing the videos and reading the comments I really want to thank everyone for the entertainment. Hollywood could not write this script. I was actually trying to figure out how I could explain this to someone and without the evidence they would never believe it.

    I have no dog in this fight I consider myself both a TMA guy (Burmese martial arts) and a sport fighting guy my only experience with the principles is with JFS who is a raving lunatic to begin with…

    The participants.

    Annatrocity -- Amateur female kickboxer/MMA fighter not much experience
    Osiris – a tkd guy with limited experience in BJJ

    Omar—a Chinese martial arts student who got upset people made fun of his videos on the net. Omar also deems his skills high enough to accept challenges
    JFS—a self proclaimed Kung Fu master who challenges everybody in the world to a fight and has obvious mental problems.

    Omar decides that of anyone who may want to fight he the person to agree to go with is a female. Wise choice as it backs him into a corner there is no way to win. Lies about his size in an effort to punk her but it doesn’t work. He will be training in Maryland with JFS so the fight is scheduled for a parking lot as this is going to be a “real Street fight” tm (as we all know street fights are always scheduled weeks in advance)

    Several threads are started on several forums about the horrible things everyone is going to do to each other. Just is case someone gets hurt we make sure there is no mistaking the intent.

    Anna and her friends hop in a car for a 10 hour trip. The list is checked. Talk to probation officer about traveling through several states in an attempt to commit assault after having threatened the parties involved. Bring handgun along to make sure we are violating federal gun laws. Bring hallucinogens just in case.

    Both sides show up in parking lot. JFS sizes everyone up and thinks he can punk them with size if he gets aggressive and goes on full puff mode. He plays Billy badass for awhile commits a little assault and is enjoying the feeing of power so much he can’t help it , he pushes too far and forces Osiris to finally man up and expose the fact JFS can’t fight his way out of a paper bag and is nothing more than a blowhard. Osiris lets him up and he goes back to tough guy mode.

    Anna decides she may have put herself in a bad situation legally and is faced with an unbalanced idiot who outweighs her by 100 lbs and finally starts to use whatever brain cells still work after the drugs. She is faced with the reality of the situation and actually does the smart thing in trying to make this a more “sporting” affair but it’s too late for that.

    Osiris watches as JFS threatens everyone and bullies Anna around and does nothing probably thinking to himself this guy is really big and really insane. He realizes he is going to have to do something prepares and launches the most hilarious attack in fighting history. He gets up takes JFS down and discovers Billy bad ass can’t fight. JFS asks to end it and he gets off him.

    Omar as the focal point does the biggest tuck in the history of martial arts. He found someone to fight his battle for him. Near the end of it he realizes what a punk he looks like and one of his testicles tries to drop and he decides to shove Anna too.

    The aftermath…. Everyone goes to the forum to spin things…

    Anna and Osiris are still reasonably young and will one day look back on this and say …that was one of the dumbest things I have ever done.

    Omar and JFS should have known better and deserve everything they got as they claim to have higher ideals and chose this BS.

    The few people on bullshido who are actually proud of this. I have to think you are in the minority but this is the type of behavior you are associating yourselves with. Exposing fraud is good but this is not the way.

    The people on TMA forums defending this need to get a grip if this is what you are about the people who criticize TMA’s are right you should be distancing yourselves from these 2 idiots as fast as possible not defending them.

    A last comment anyone who still things JFS can fight either in the street or in the ring has lost their mind. If Osiris had not gotten off it would have gotten uglier. He did nothing to mount and offense or effective defense. He can insult sport fighting all he wants but it’s not like he was fighting a very skilled MMA guy either.

    Hollywood turned me down they say it’s not believable. It would never happen.

    Is this what Martial Arts has become?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Yes, yes this is what it has become.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Portland, OR
    LOL dude, you nailed it right on the head. That is some funny stuff right there.

    Sometimes standing outside looking in isnt a bad deal.
    A man has only one death. That death may be as weighty as Mt. Tai, or it may be as light as a goose feather. It all depends upon the way he uses it....
    ~Sima Qian

    Master pain, or pain will master you.

    "Just do your practice. Who cares if someone else's practice is not traditional, or even fake? What does that have to do with you?"
    ~Gene "The Crotch Master" Ching

    You know you want to click me!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Blog Entries
    Quote Originally Posted by PhilDunlap View Post

    Omar—a Chinese martial arts student who got upset people made fun of his videos on the net. Omar also deems his skills high enough to accept challenges

    Is this the video to which you refer?

  5. #5
    I don't know nor do I really care I was just commenting on what a sad state of affairs.

    It's funny out of curiosity I posted this to both Bullshido and No BS in Martial Arts -- at bullshido while they did not like it and I got several threatining pm,s they didn't ban me and No BS in Martial Arts did. I find it funny that the "supposed" children don't remove something questioning them and the "adults" do.

    "Sifu" Abel chose to add an insult to his mail
    Last edited by PhilDunlap; 07-17-2007 at 08:36 AM. Reason: spelling

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by PhilDunlap View Post

    "Sifu" Abel chose to add an insult to he mail

    Not surprising. He is the third stooge, along with the crazy all-talk old racist and 'hero' Omar who had to hide behind someone else because he was so afraid of the girl he agreed to fight. Quite a crew there...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    in your mind *****
    "Sifu" Abel chose to add an insult to he mail
    Does not sound like anything that would suprise me.

  8. #8
    I guess they got made fun of at bullshido and decided to start their own lttle club house so they can ban anyone who doesn't agree with them

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Portland, OR
    i get a picture of the small town mentality in a big city with people drinking really cheap bear, eating halucinagens, peeing on the sidewalk huffing anything in a metal can and eating glue.

    real class
    A man has only one death. That death may be as weighty as Mt. Tai, or it may be as light as a goose feather. It all depends upon the way he uses it....
    ~Sima Qian

    Master pain, or pain will master you.

    "Just do your practice. Who cares if someone else's practice is not traditional, or even fake? What does that have to do with you?"
    ~Gene "The Crotch Master" Ching

    You know you want to click me!!

  10. #10
    And fighting in the parking lot of the local masonic temple

  11. #11
    cjurakpt Guest
    you got banned for posting that?!? for simply summarizing the obvious truce which any intelligent, independent observer came up with (c.f. - my own "summary" on the topic here: - I think they are very much in line with your own comments)? especially as you have a pretty good rep for "keepin' it real"...

    what kind of drugs are they on over there?

    it's amazing how, inlight of the irrefutable evidence, there can stll be spin; the next thing, there will be Trotsky-like edits of the film, with people dissapearing, replaced by other, maybe even subliminal messages ("JFS is your friend") added in...

    anyway, I'd like to option a buy-in on the script...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Portland, OR
    Quote Originally Posted by cjurakpt View Post

    anyway, I'd like to option a buy-in on the script...
    I'd like to get in on that.
    A man has only one death. That death may be as weighty as Mt. Tai, or it may be as light as a goose feather. It all depends upon the way he uses it....
    ~Sima Qian

    Master pain, or pain will master you.

    "Just do your practice. Who cares if someone else's practice is not traditional, or even fake? What does that have to do with you?"
    ~Gene "The Crotch Master" Ching

    You know you want to click me!!

  13. #13
    It's funny but this reminds me of the Jerry springer show. Everytime I think it can't be real I am proved wrong..

    Aboout a year ago JFS threatened to come up to my school rip my eyballs out and smear my blood all over the walls in a thread about children in Burma fighting in Burmese Boxing being better than their life alternatives.... When I gave him the address, and schedule and told him the rules were acceptable he changed his mind... That forum defends his behavior

  14. #14
    cjurakpt Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by PhilDunlap View Post
    Aboout a year ago JFS threatened to... smear my blood all over the walls
    so he has background in interior design, does he? and obviously trains the combat aspect of Feng Shui...

  15. #15
    It's funny I am not big on the color red so I was actually quite relived he would be removing my eyes first
    Last edited by PhilDunlap; 07-17-2007 at 10:18 AM. Reason: sp

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