BSL is an amalgamated style, that is pretty modern compared to the Luohan and Hong gates as Shaolin.

Gan Feng Chi was not the DIRECT creator of the 10 sets, that is historically incorrect, he was a anti-Qing rebel and traveled all over the place as a consequence, he taught different people different things and learned different things from different places.

After 1732-35, many martial monks moved out of the temple area, Shadong Long Fist comes from the monks that moved out to that area, for one example.
So, THIS can be considered the "REAL" Shaolin.

People who knew the Luohan gate moved to Shanghai, THIS can be considered the "REAL" Shaolin.

Gan Feng Chi taught some people his long fist GATE that he learned at Shaolin to some people, he also practiced Plum Flower Long Fist, which was the style of the anti-Qing rebels at the time. Was his Plum Flower better than his Shaolin, since he used that instead at that time?

Then he went to Emei and studied 3 Emperor Pao Chui style, so when he taught 3 Emperor Pao Chui to some people, was this no good or better than his Shaolin?

LATER still, the actual full style that Gan Feng Chi created, not distantly contributed to as in BSL, was called Hua Quan, FLOWER style (not related to Hua Mountain Quan at all, same name), a soft and hard style that he was very famous for.
THAT's he "real" mature style, not only his Shaolin which is what he did as a youth, which was a root for his Wundang-Shaolin soft hard internal external Hua Quan.
THEN, he was executed for being a rebel.

So, where is Gan Feng Chi's "real" shaolin? very distant to BSL.

AND, guess what, before Gan's time at Shaolin, it has closed down a few times before that and all was lost again. During the Yuan dynasty Shaolin was shut down many hundreds of years before Gan was there, and all the martial art they did was gone, when people (Jue Yuan, Bai Yu Feng, Li Sou) tried to reopen the place to martial arts, they had to go to Luoyang a few miles away to re-learn Shaolin martial art, which they then redeveloped into a new system.
Was this the "REAL" Shoalin? It wasn't what Gan Feng Chi practiced hundreds of years later.

Was the "REAL" Shaolin the stuff that was done at Shaolin before it was closed down in the Yuan Dynasty? During the Tang dynasty they did Tong Bei and Pao Chui which they go from the military that trained them. Was this the "REAL" Shaolin?
During the Song dynasty, they created new set like Tai Tzu Chang Quan, Hong Quan, Tong Bi Quan, Rou Quan and so on. Was this the "REAL" Shaolin.

This system was taught since the Song Dynasty and spread throughout the countryside.

Once Shaolin died out a few more times later, and the "ORIGINAL" Shaolin material that the people did in the countryside only existed, was this the "REAL" Shaolin and not the stuff that was developed later after the Yuan Dynasty?

AND< after Shaolin was closed for its last time in 1920s, some monks left and got married and spread throughout China, they brought with them their sets and copies of the original manuals that documented Shaolin of their time and the ancient Song dynasty original sets. Isn't this the "REAL" Shaolin, if not, why not?
AND, some monks stayed in the area and still trained there at night, even though the place as burned out. And they taught their stuff to the people in the countryside. Was this the "REAL" Shaolin, if not, why not?

After 1981, the lineages that survived the 1920s burning were asked to reintroduce their AUTHENTIC and many generations practiced Shaolin sets back to Shaolin.

SO, today you have two completely different things at Shaolin, acrobatic super fast government workers posing as "monks" (who do modern Wushu theatrucs) and the OLD monks still alive and their students and grand students that practice the old Shaolin sets that have been preserved from their teachers and from their copies of the Shaolin martial art manuals that survived the burning of 1920s.
Isn't this stuff the "REAL" Shaolin?

Take you pick of which "REAL" Shaolin you want.