And when our President tells us they hate us for our freedom.....

And when condoms tell me they're extra sensitive for my and her pleasure.....

Dude, it's marketing. Get over it. What else is he going to call it? It has animal forms. It's from a Chinese guy who may or may not have learned from a hairy Shaolin dude in the mountains (who also traveled throughout China and Korea and probably picked up a thing or two before landing himself in Indonesia for killing, or not killing, some Reds, who passed it onto an Indonesian immigrant and his brother, both of whom attended U of Kentucky (not a shabby school) in America, and currently teach regular joes like you and me). Call it kung-fu....that's a pretty generic term. Call it karate, if you want. Still means the same thing, pretty much. Is it shaolin? Well, it has tigers, cranes, mantids.....

At one point it was called Shaolin karate. So maybe it's karate with a shaolin emphasis. Maybe karate was just more recognized then than kungfu (which wasn't really a popular term when he started teaching in that land of cultural awareness called Lexington KY).

All I can say is this: Arnold Schwartzennegger attended the opening of Sin The's sports complex. It might not have lasted that long, but the fact Arnold was there means something.......

I think it means that Sin The is actually an supremely intelligent and powerful android from the future who should be treated with the same respect as the President of the United States, or any foriegn dignitary, who can shape shift and climb up greasy poles without the use of his arms, swim with his pecs, and perform 900 forms in a row without a drink of water, a glance at notes, or a second's rest.

Long live Shaolin-Do! The most comprehensive martial art in this sector of the galaxy!

*Please note: these statements were not examined by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States.