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Thread: Hello from Oklahoma

  1. #16
    The muay thai was in muskogee i lost he had more gas than i. The san da wwas in tulsa
    Don't think about being good in the next year or five years...think about being good in the next 50 years. Learn to love the process of being good, not the anticipation of being good.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    OKC, Oklahoma
    Hey Kung_Who?

    I'm in the OKC area, doing Yang Taiji, and Quan Yin CLF.

    Are you with the Siu Lum Pai organisation in Tulsa? I had a buddy that used to be there, but had to move away

    Nonetheless, great to have more Okies on here! :P

  3. #18
    Hey Mark.

    My Sifu (Keith Cullors) informed me of the Si Lum Pai, but it seems that our Grand Master, Don Morrison ( Who is my current Sifu), branched off to form his own orginazation, thus removing us from the SLP, though we all still retain the greatest respect for Sigung Kong and the SLP.

    What was your buddies name??


    Quote Originally Posted by Takuan View Post
    Hey Kung_Who?

    I'm in the OKC area, doing Yang Taiji, and Quan Yin CLF.

    Are you with the Siu Lum Pai organisation in Tulsa? I had a buddy that used to be there, but had to move away

    Nonetheless, great to have more Okies on here! :P

  4. #19
    Hey Broken Arrow, I see from your website you are under Timothy Layman, would this be the same Jimmy Crane I spoke with some weeks ago about our common lineage of Sigung Don Morrison??

    I see a couple of the CLF forms we study listed on your website, do you teach the entire Si Lum Pi system or stick to mainly Hung Gar with the two CLF forms as extras??

    Still looking forward to that Cup of Coffee we were to have before I got busy here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sicilian Tofu M View Post
    Hello from Broken Arrow.

  5. Hi, my name is John, Jimmy Crane's my Sifu, Your right we don't teach the Si Lum Pi system except the CLF. Now the CLF and others are prerequisite to prepare you for the Hung Gar forms. I think all of the Okies (including me born & raised in upstate NY) meet for BBQ and eat like family. I know I'm cheesey
    Last edited by Sicilian Tofu M; 09-05-2007 at 07:52 PM.

  6. #21

    Way before your time. Howdy okies!

    Born in India but some good years in Oklahoma... Stillwater (OSU/Oamc), Edmond(Central Okla) and Norman (OU) and OKC- late wife was from Tulsa and Okmulgee(Creek tribe). I boxed and fought in Oklahoma days. I have been in Wing Chun since 1976- teach in Tempe
    ( Still basically an Okie. Before my good wife passed away- I was thinking of teaching wing chun in Oklahoma-possibly Tulsa. But life has its zig zags.
    My yougest son goes back often- is involved in his tribe.
    A good student of mine teaches wing chun privately in western Arkansas.

    joy chaudhuri

  7. joy chaudhuri you know my co worker steve Fuller I think he went to school with your son in Okmulgee small world.

  8. #23
    Ok, I only saw a couple of clf forms listed (brief glance), and the HG of course.

    The SLP system is a bit vast, as is that of Grandmaster Morrison; What branch of the tree do you pull your curriculum from??

    Quote Originally Posted by Sicilian Tofu M View Post
    Hi, my name is John Jimmy Crane's my Sifu, Your right we don't teach the Si Lum Pi system except the CLF. Now the CLF and others are prerequisite to prepare you for the Hung Gar forms. I think all of the Okies (including me born & raised in upstate NY) meet for BBQ and eat like family. I know I'm cheesey
    Thank you and God bless,,
    Hung Gar Workshop with Eddie Lane
    Stillwater, Ok March 17th and 18th 2012

  9. Sifu Timothy Layman, who do you pull your curriculum from??

  10. #25
    Sifu Keith Cullors and Sigung Don Morrison. As I said, we share a common branch here, Sigung Morrison was Sifu Layman's Sifu.

    The Curriculum on your site looks much like that of Sifu Cullors in the 80's. I have been gone from the game for a long while and have put myself on a bit of a quest to find old classmates and brothers, as well as anyone from the Lineage of my old Sifu.

    So far, I have found Sigung Morrison, and have spoken to Sifu Crane on the phone, dont seem to be many from the old days left.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sicilian Tofu M View Post
    Sifu Timothy Layman, who do you pull your curriculum from??
    Thank you and God bless,,
    Hung Gar Workshop with Eddie Lane
    Stillwater, Ok March 17th and 18th 2012

  11. #26

    Sicilian Tofu M sez

    joy chaudhuri you know my co worker steve Fuller I think he went to school with your son in Okmulgee small world.

    ((Yup.Thanks for the note and hello to Steve. Steve and I have had some nice email chats.He knew my nephew Lance who is like a son to me.At the end of his junior year in Okmulgee, Lance was the number one heavyweight seed in Oklahoma high school wrestling.He left for Arizona after that. Lance's early wing chun training helped him with his hands and balance.
    Good wishes to you Okies. Hope Texas loses this fall. One of my current students does both Greco Roman and wing chun.
    Earlier this year he became an All American at his weight. Joy Chaudhuri))

  12. It would be interesting if Sifu Keith Cullors and Sifu Layman knew each other, sometimes we meet up I'll ask him for you. If I came off a bit angry, sorry I haveing a bad month so far.

  13. #28
    Sifu Keith Cullors and Sigung Don Morrison. As I said, we share a common branch here, Sigung Morrison was Sifu Layman's Sifu.

    The Curriculum on your site looks much like that of Sifu Cullors in the 80's. I have been gone from the game for a long while and have put myself on a bit of a quest to find old classmates and brothers, as well as anyone from the Lineage of my old Sifu.

    So far, I have found Sigung Morrison, and have spoken to Sifu Crane on the phone, dont seem to be many from the old days left
    When did Don Morrison become a sigung
    Don't think about being good in the next year or five years...think about being good in the next 50 years. Learn to love the process of being good, not the anticipation of being good.

  14. its the relationship/title one calls your sifu's sifu, its not a rank.
    Don Morrison had many students get to sifu status.

    Trivia Question, which one of Don Morrison's students became his Si-Di ? (its easy)
    Last edited by Sicilian Tofu M; 09-06-2007 at 03:12 PM.

  15. #30
    Yes, as most Kung Fu styles track lines, your Sifu's Sifu will be your Sigung.

    From Sigung Morrison, we had David Terry who finished training Keith Cullors (Originaly under Sigung), who Started my training. In respect, this would actually make Sigung my Great Grand Master.

    However, Sigung Morrison is also Grandmaster of our orginization as the founder and head of Ten Tigers Kung Fu schools. In this respect, having compiled the system we now follow, he is a system (not style) head and thus a Sigung.
    It is my understanding that this was done with the blessings of Sigung Buck Sam Kong. This is important, as, while anyone is free to found your own orginization, it is not considered a valad move unless your Sifu has given their blessing on the action.

    Hope this has helped.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hung gar View Post
    When did Don Morrison become a sigung
    Thank you and God bless,,
    Hung Gar Workshop with Eddie Lane
    Stillwater, Ok March 17th and 18th 2012

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