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Thread: Serious Motivation Problem . . . HELP!!!

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Science City Zero
    Quote Originally Posted by sanjuro_ronin View Post
    You do realize that Sanchin is a training Kata right?
    You wanna make it "martial" that's fine, but that was not its purpose.
    Indeed it is. I don't, however, do Sanchin with dynamic tension very often (no more than once a week). Because I use a bit of volume and intensity with regards to resistance training, more than that has proven to me to be detrimental. Being that I still actually liked Sanchin, I began practicing it at different speeds, with a different tempo, and different level of tension. It's still a physically challenging kata, but it often looks different than it's Goju Ryu parent when I'm not using it for dynamic tension.

    Also, the late Sensei Sherman Harrell had a HUGE collection of applications for the kata. And personally, I've never been able to see all the movement potential a form trains when I've only done it one way.

    For me, it's the same thing as Naihanchi - a fundamental training kata first, but still possessing a ton of applications. I've used at both kata's techniques for self-preservation situations, and have trained them against various levels of resistance for several years.

    It's still a fundamental training kata, but it's so much more than that. They all are. And they can be so much more if they're used in conjunction with resistant training partners.
    BreakProof BackŪ Back Health & Athletic Performance

    "Who dies first," he mumbled through smashed and bloody lips.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Where ever I Am; today, West Virginia, US of A, NA, N of EUdMexico
    Blog Entries
    Mail yourself a word document to a new E-mail account. New so that your personal/business E-mail is not compromised by using public computers. When you update save as draft or mail to yourself there or second new account just for mailing back and forth documents.

    Make a Word document (or notepad...Whatrever text processor the computer has them copy past to preferred text processor type thingie.

    Mak a list of All the stuff you might do in training and workout...weights at rep, partners, katas...across the top put dates.

    put numerals/numbers in to show the order of what you did that day which automatically shows What you did that day And How much as some days you might have five (5) some eight (8) some twelve (12)...

    Make notes at the bottom.

    Check off the list with the numbers and it's done add the notes if youare up to it. Less stress and keeping the log.

    If you send me stuff, type stuff you do Or I could read through your posts. I might help design the list I am mentioning the could be a guide to the list that will work for your interests Like I thought.

    I No_Know

    My computer access is limited get to stuff when can-type of thing. would like to help. Hope my say was found to be helpful.

    I No_Know
    There are four lights...ž impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Science City Zero

    Many Thanks, No_Know

    But I think I would use the Blog more as a weekly progress meter as opposed to a daily posting of my trainings going-on.

    For weights, I'm doing something like this:

    After warmups (three school-only drills), glute-activation work, five minutes of mobility drills for lower body, five for upper body

    about 30 minutes of Isshinryu - all basic techniques, empty-hand kata, weapons forms (will be 40 minutes after I learn the last two staff forms and the tuifa form)


    Dumbbell Front Squats. I use, at most, 30lbs for these. Focus on stance width, posture, and glute/VMO activation at point below parallel. The weight kills my ego, but it leaves my back feeling normal, and my muscles still get a good workout. Not uber-hardcore, but apparently healthy.

    Angled Hyperextension. I focus on doing a pull-through type motion with this, using my glues, inner thighs, and hamstrings to get me from bet at a 45 degree angle, up to in-line with my feet. Last rep gets a glute-ham-raise movement.

    Chinups. Neutral grip. Either six or eight sets of eight reps, the last rep having a 15 second static hold, alternating from top of pull, middle of rep, and just before lockout on bottom.

    Alternating-Arm Overhead Dumbbell Press. No massive weight here, at most 55lbs, just focusing on keeping my shoulder girdle shelved, and having my lats assist in the push (please, no one say bench press - it murders my shoulders and elbows)

    Kneeling Cable crunch. Kinda misleading. I activate my glutes, lock my enire back in neutral, and push back at the hips to bring my upper body parallel with the ground, my legs being perpendicular. Last rep, focus on holding my back stable, at bottom of range, for 15 seconds. killer ab exercise. Most weight I use on a set of eight is *checks log* 160 for one set, after two or three sets at either 140 or 150

    Timed Step ups. Step set so when I hit it, my upper legs is exactly parallel to the ground. Killer on the VMOs, top of thigh. 60 seconds on right leg, 30 on left. (my left leg is bigger, stronger than right, because of unbalanced training leading up to my Ni Dan test last year)

    Finisher for upper body is either the Cuban Cable Rotation, Low Cable Rows (pulling a rope handle to my hips, ala a karate chamber), or single-arm cable reverse flyes, from low to high, or high to low.


    solo karate work right now is primarily kata, focusing on quality of movement. bagwork is focusing on power generation from the kata to single, two-move, and three-move combinations, while maintaining cover, mobility.

    I get to class about twice a month, have my technique evaluated, and spar.

    Personal karate workouts, including warmup and cooldown, is two hours on tuesday and friday, and 1.5-2 hours monday and thursday (two days after, and one day after, weight training days). depends on how I feel. ednesday and friday, I go through the warmup, all my techniques and kata, then lift, then cool down.

    Usually make a tuesday class, which for me is 45 minutes of high-intensity teaching of chillins, and an hour of adult class, either doing drills, kata, and sparring, or conditioning and kata, or conditioning and sparring.


    Diet is locked in, I think. between 3,500 and 4,000 a day, spread over 6-7 meals. Protein and carbs up till noon, then protein and fats after. four cheat meals a week, two of which are usually Mountain Dew Game Edition (the one with Halo on the bottle) drinks with my lunch.

    current supplements are: glucosamine, fish oil, protein powders, creatine, and beta-alanine.
    BreakProof BackŪ Back Health & Athletic Performance

    "Who dies first," he mumbled through smashed and bloody lips.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Science City Zero

    teh pwnt

    Yesterday was an unload day, two sets of ever'tin' 'cept chins, they got four sets.

    Was feeling good.

    This fine wednesday mornin', I wake up, my two little vertebrae at L2, 3 cause me many cramps in my legs. No chiro, no time, which meant no workout.


    The issue is getting better, but the minor slips like this is frustrating.
    BreakProof BackŪ Back Health & Athletic Performance

    "Who dies first," he mumbled through smashed and bloody lips.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Science City Zero

    Ugh. Lee.

    Still having minor cramps throughout - still, getting better, but does negatively affect my ability to train effectively. Thank God I get a discount at the chiro's; $10 per day, two visits allowed per day.

    As far as training goes, working primarily on kata (gasp!). Main points of focus are Seisan, Seiunchin and Sunsu. I won't go into detail on how I train the sections of the forms and the whole units themselves (if anyone is interested, PM me), but I always have a good solo workout, feel like I take something applicable from the sessions. Slowly working bagwork back into my routine, slowly though. Trying to keep from irritating my back.

    When I get to class, I usually get to do some padwork, drills, and kata. Sadly, it really seems we are moving away from sparring.
    BreakProof BackŪ Back Health & Athletic Performance

    "Who dies first," he mumbled through smashed and bloody lips.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Science City Zero
    Monday and Tuesday this week, couldn't stay in karate mode for more than 15 minutes. Brain not there.

    Hoping he shows up tomorrow. Maybe throwing some iron will be a good kick-start.

    . . . You know you have it easy when a few crappy workouts are what you have to complain about.
    BreakProof BackŪ Back Health & Athletic Performance

    "Who dies first," he mumbled through smashed and bloody lips.

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