Quote Originally Posted by Merryprankster View Post
Actually, I don't feel qualified to comment on Kung Fu, per se. I would never in my life dream of telling you how to do your forms.

I do feel qualified to comment on what works and what doesn't, as I have over 12 years of experience in trying to get non-compliant people to do what *I* want - especially if it concerns grappling. When someone spouts bull****, I'll call them on it.

Unfortunately for many CMA types, bull**** springs forth in a veritable torrent quite often.

At the end of the day, I don't have a problem with people training what they train it; I have a problem with misrepresentation and delusion - ie, "I train for the street, for a no rules situation!"

Ummm.... no you don't. All training has rules. Ergo, you can't be training for a no rules situation. It's all simulations, where we do the best we can. There is a reason, for instance, that veteran units are highly prized...

Similarly, I do a sport. I suffer no illusions as to what that gives me: a useable skill set in case of emergency. It does NOT turn me into a fighter, or a bodyguard or a self defense expert, any more than being an expert marksman turns a person into the ideal soldier.
I think this is due to the fact that many CMA people, although they think they're open-minded, are actually quite close-minded, and regurgitate BS they've been told and taken to be true.

Hell, I was guilty of it when I started MA. Look around, though, test various people, and you quickly learn to debunk the BS. Even then, you touch hands with someone from a different art who's really good at his art, and he'll have the same misconceptions.........

I think that's why MMA guys generally sound like they're being debasing and abrasive. There's just a lot of high-minded victim-playing from CMA guys.

But some MMA guys have some pretty stupid things to say about CMA as well.