Quote Originally Posted by BM2 View Post
Has anyone successfully helped someone with this problem?
My son's Sifu (my sifu, too, actually) is helping him get past his burn-out by teaching him tho climb at a local indoor gym. Jake gets discouraged when his legs ache after really aplying himself. But he can't get anywhere in kung fu with out really aplying himself. So he wants to quit.

If I understand correctly, Sifu is working on the theory that Jake just needs to be shown that anything physical that makes the body ache can be fun. Jake likes to climb trees, so Sifu is going to teach him to climb rocks. But in a way that reinforces his kung fu.

This is not exactly what your son is going through, but it might be similar. Find out what made him burn out with his wrestling and grappling and what he wants to replace it with, then help him make the connection between the two activities.