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Thread: Almost got into a fight tonite

  1. #1

    Almost got into a fight tonite

    Him armed with a big stick, me empty hand (well, I had pepper spray, but didn't think to use it).

    S0, my Neighbors dogs chase this little kid. they were playing, but the Kid got spooked and ran. The girl who owns the dogs called them off, and they stopped on a dime and returned directly to her. AFTER the dogs were retreating to her, the kid falls and skins his knee.

    The Father of the kid then yelled at her, and she apologized profusely about the incident, and tried to explain they were just playing.
    Then he proceeds to ignor his kids, go to his car and get a big branch he had inside his car (What?) and started yelling at her. Didn't tend to the skinned knee from the fall, or anything.

    At this point, I thought he was afraid of the dogs, Although I can't imagine why, they are silly playful dogs, and not all that big...I have seen his kid playing with them before too.

    Next, he opens the trunk of his car..I figured he was done yelling, and returning to getting Groceries or whatever and it was all over...NOPE!!! out comes a much thicker, and BIGGER tree branch....a really good 4 foot club sized tree branch!

    He then starts yelling at the girl again, who by this time had retreated with her dogs (Who were all scared and on the run at this point), behind the building.

    Then he gets this enraged, almost murderous look on his face, like a Psyco about to beat someone to death, and takes off around the building going after the girl.

    At this point, I knew he was out to seriously beat her with the tree branch. I was over my balcony (jumped it) , barefooted and booked around the building where he was. When I got there, he looked like he was about to take a swing, But I yelled "Don't you F'n try it *******!!", and he diffused his demeanor a bit, but continued yelling at her.

    By now, 2 of the bikers that live in my building were also making thier way to the scene. I basically stood between them, so he had to go trough me to get to her. I kept telling hi to Back off, drop his weapon, or he would be in a world of hurt over and over again. When he wasn't listening, I took a few steps towards him, and told him I was NOT playing around. He finnaly got the message and backed down.

    He went back to his car, still yelling, and broke the tree branch in half, and threw it over the fence into the trees. Then he gathered his kids and left as me and the two bikers stared him down.

    Of course, about 20 minutes alter, the cops are there, at HIS request over the dog issue. He actually thought he was in the right, going after a girl behind the buildings where he thought no one would see what he was going to do to her!!

    It's all diffused now, but by the time it was over, he almost went to jail himself.

    Believe it or not, he was going on, and on to the neighbors, the bikers, and anyone who would listen as if he didn't do anything wrong, and was trying to convince everyone he was the good guy!!

    Anyway, now that the adrenalin has calmed down, I figured I share.

    It didn't occur to me till later that he may have had a gun in the trunk...Although I really didn't act while he was at his car. I thought at that pint the stick was out of his own fear of the dogs coming back, not to go hurt her.

    This guy was twice her size too...what a F'n coward!!
    Last edited by RD'S Alias - 1A; 09-24-2007 at 06:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    In a Galaxy Far, Far Away
    I would have beat her to death. Obviosuly she put my child's life at risk by employing a dangerous weapons (an unleashed dog). The only way to save my child would be to kill the attacker (the girl commanding the dog).

    That's just my kids come first.

    --Keep talking and I'm gonna serve you opening up a can of "whoop-ass" and for dessert, a slice of Lama Pai!

    God gave us free will. Therefore he is pro-choice.

  3. #3
    Dogs were just playing. This kid has played with them before, he just got spooked. They stopped instantly at her command and went to her side. The incident was done, and over with.

    The kid actually fell when his father called him with a loud booming voice and he turned around really fast...after the fact.

    The kid was never in any danger at all ever. The fact that they [dogs] responded instantly to her commands while a good 16-20 feet from the kid was proof of that.

    The dogs NEVER left the grass. The kid ran into the parking lot. They stopped at the edge of the grass.

    Also, she apologized profusely, and then took her dogs around the back of the building away from everyone. Then *AFTER* that he got more, and more enraged, dug out not one, but 2 weapons, yelled at her some more, and THEN charge off around the building and went after her.

    The incident was remarkably over when he did it.

    The kid didn't even start getting really scared, till his Dad started yelling.

    Not to mention, he just left the kid sitting on the ground in the parking lot, and didn't even THINK to attend to him...or maybe move him out of the way of potential traffic...All he cared about was getting violent on a girl half his size.

    His Kid was the last thing he was thinking of.
    Last edited by RD'S Alias - 1A; 09-24-2007 at 07:05 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    In a Galaxy Far, Far Away
    Any unleashed dog, anywhere near where kids play is an accident waiting to happen. Even the best trained dogs only need 1 think to spook them and attack the nearest "threat" which may be my 8 year old, or my 6 year old, or my 3 day old (shameless I just had a kids plug).

    This is why I call 911 whenever I see unleashed dogs...or beat there owners wih a 4 foot branch I keep in my car.

    --Keep talking and I'm gonna serve you opening up a can of "whoop-ass" and for dessert, a slice of Lama Pai!

    God gave us free will. Therefore he is pro-choice.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Bondi, Sydney Australia
    Yea, What he said.

    WTF is it about dog owners? Or should I say "irresponsible" dog owners. Let their animals run loose, terrorise children and than say, "Oh, they just wanted to play..."

    Oh no, not my little puppy, he would never bite anybody...

    Oh, don't worry, he's just trying to get to know you....

    He only nipped the kid, what's the problem....

    Its the kid's fault, he shouldn't have gotten scared....

    Maybe the twit will keep her dogs on a lead now.

    And besides, what kind of dogs were they to book when their master was threatened. Any dog I ever had would have stood my ground.

    Sorry, no sympathy, at all...for her. Seen too much of that sh1t from dog twits.

    But you RD, you're a big strong he-man. Maybe you'll get laid.

  6. #6
    Both dogs are not even fully grown, and the silliest, playfull dogs you can imagine. There was no biting, or niping, or even anything like a tackle or a jump. They really were just playing, and being silly.

    The kid got spooked, and ran. they thought it was a game, and followed up to the edge of the grass, and STOPPED there to wait for the kid to come back (although that was about the exact time she called them to her too)

    This situation hardly warrants grabbing a frik'n TREE branch out of your trunk and going to beat the girl.

    The dogs didn't even harm the kid. His Father yelling is what made him turn so fast he fell.

  7. #7
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    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Yum Cha View Post
    Yea, What he said.

    WTF is it about dog owners? Or should I say "irresponsible" dog owners. Let their animals run loose, terrorise children and than say, "Oh, they just wanted to play..."

    Oh no, not my little puppy, he would never bite anybody...

    Oh, don't worry, he's just trying to get to know you....

    He only nipped the kid, what's the problem....

    Its the kid's fault, he shouldn't have gotten scared....

    Maybe the twit will keep her dogs on a lead now.

    And besides, what kind of dogs were they to book when their master was threatened. Any dog I ever had would have stood my ground.

    Sorry, no sympathy, at all...for her. Seen too much of that sh1t from dog twits.

    But you RD, you're a big strong he-man. Maybe you'll get laid.

    I'm not a fan of dogs, but the kid HAD been playing with them before. And the injury occured after the dogs had left him.

  8. #8
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    My neighbor at my last apartment had 2 dogs, a pitbull and the Taco Bell little Sh!t. The pit would sit on the grass (leashless) and the little crap dog would run into our driveway and bite at my kids...the day I kicked the dog was the last day it was out in the front without a leash.

    The moral is is doesn't matter how big the dog is the agressiveness and the comparative size to the child...I'll be ****ed if my kids are going to so much as even cry for a "little harmless" dog "nipping" at them./...


    --Keep talking and I'm gonna serve you opening up a can of "whoop-ass" and for dessert, a slice of Lama Pai!

    God gave us free will. Therefore he is pro-choice.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by NJM View Post
    I'm not a fan of dogs, but the kid HAD been playing with them before. And the injury occured after the dogs had left him.

    So if the dog bit the kid, it is the kids fault for playing with a the dog?

    --Keep talking and I'm gonna serve you opening up a can of "whoop-ass" and for dessert, a slice of Lama Pai!

    God gave us free will. Therefore he is pro-choice.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreenCloudCLF View Post
    So if the dog bit the kid, it is the kids fault for playing with a the dog?
    It would have been the dog's fault in that case, just not the one RD was talking about.

  11. #11
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    I'm a big fan if "If we played the 'what-if' game nothing would get done", but the fact is, it only takes 1 dog bite to be portrayed as an attack, to bring a media frenzy over something so stupid, cause by a retard who shouldn't be allowed to own a dog in the first!t I think people who own dogs and keep them off their leashes in public places shouldn't even be allowed to breathe...

    --Keep talking and I'm gonna serve you opening up a can of "whoop-ass" and for dessert, a slice of Lama Pai!

    God gave us free will. Therefore he is pro-choice.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by GreenCloudCLF View Post
    I think people who own dogs and keep them off their leashes in public places shouldn't even be allowed to breathe...
    That ****es me off on a daily basis, I know where you're coming from.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Bondi, Sydney Australia
    Sorry RD, your heroics seem to pale into insignificance on the topic of dumbhass dog owners. (all due props to responsible dog owners, the ones that keep their dogs on lead, pick up their droppings)

    The drivel that comes out of some dog owners mouths about their "babies". They are pack animals, not 'family members" - puke)

    Is there an emoticon for puke? ;- 0==(#)

    Here in Oz, last year, I think I remember 4 cases of children having their faces ripped off by dogs, and than there was the old lady who got eaten by her 9 mutts (poetic justice!).

    Universally, the owners said the same thing, poor Satan, he never did anything like that before, he was always such a nice doggie. And it wasn't just neighbourhood kids, at lease a couple of times, it was the family kid. One Malamute just mauled "the new baby" couple of months back, gave it the big shake and chuck. Didn't like the competition. Copped the dirt nap for that one, as most of them do - too late.

  14. #14
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    All fault aside, props for stepping in and diffusing the conflict. Way to do the right thing and not let things escalate to violence.

  15. #15
    Actually, the dogs were on her property were they not? Additionally, they are trained to respond to their master--and quite well from the testimony of RD. These apparently weren't killer dogs and weren't in some wild frenzy. But what I fail to understand though, is why the kid started running away if he was just playing with the dog--did the Dad call him back and that's when he ran off--only to realize the dogs were following him to the grass?

    And for those of you who don't know anything about dogs (which are the majority of the repling people in this thread)...Dogs WERE pack animals, and there is a scientificially proven difference between wolves, and the modern day domesticated dog. The modern day dog has been bred to depend on and serve humans; some scientists have said we actually bred "love" into them.

    The fact remains that this guy was about to attack a girl with a weapon, noticeably after the "incident" occurred. RD was in the right by stepping up and making sure no harm came to her. The kid didn't even get hurt, until he fell of his own accord.

    The dog haters--seriously need to gain some perspective on the situation.
    "I don't know if anyone is known with the art of "sitting on your couch" here, but in my eyes it is also to be a martial art.

    It is the art of avoiding dangerous situations. It helps you to avoid a dangerous situation by not actually being there. So lets say there is a dangerous situation going on somewhere other than your couch. You are safely seated on your couch so you have in a nutshell "difused" the situation."

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