Quote Originally Posted by anerlich View Post
You seem to be hinting you have some unique insight into the pole most of your WC peers lack, and are hinting around it. I don't have time for mind games, so in my case the answer is "both". If you have something to share, share it.
I personally have never really been welcomed into the Wing Chun family as my Sifu has always been different, low key and non-political. I do think I have a rare insight though, as I know of very few people who have seen what I have seen, trained what I trained and lived how I did. Very few. But don't we all feel like this? This isn't intended as a boast, as I trained alongside guys who had more than 15 years in Wing Chun before they met Sifu! They were all oldskool, and if I do have peers it is only them I would refer to, although I call them 'Brothers' and they know who I am.

I started this thread because of a confusion, or shall I say 'lack' of enthusiasm for the Pole/Stick training in Wing Chun. That's all. The translation, IMHO, means so much in interpretation. This quote, I feel, says it all:

Words from an Wing Chun non-expert
The pole form according to Wong Seung Leung and Tsui Seung Tin line:
The first six moves are for striking. The seventh (Lau Sui, or Running Water) is for redirection. Hence six and a half point.

NOTE: The Seventh. This was how it was explained to us on numerous occassions. The 'Half Pole' was NEVER described as being a 'point'. The Half Pole was like the quarter staff and used for redirection as suggested, evading and parrying at close range. Yes, I say 'close range'.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone by starting this thread, or even for entering this forum in the first place, but I honestly want to hear from people who have a similar viewpoint. Our Families stick was famous while Lee Shing was alive. He was known as 'King Of The Stick' as a young man! Never needing to learn it from Yip Man, but assist in its refinement he may have done IMHO.

I have my own reservations about sharing my mind on forums like this one as I too am in semi-retirement at 32!! lol!! There is just no reason for me to teach/coach in todays climate as I feel that the interest really isn't there...

After years looking at this site, I took it upon myself to write here without any of my Family knowing. Soon it may all just stop as I get the impression this is going to be a difficult journey...