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Thread: Bagwa Chung

  1. #1

    Bagwa Chung

    Does any one know any thing about Bagwa Chung? I've read some information on google, but I was wandering if anyone had any extra info.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    sounds like a garbled version of either baguazhang or pa kua chang.

    which is considered one of the big three chinese martial arts that are not stemming from buddhism.

    anyway, it's about circle walking, palm changes, and is a pretty ritualistic martial art that is not exactly orthodox in it's approach to combat.

    But, I don't study it, so that perspective is totally from the outside.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tampa, FL
    Im a Baguazhang instructor.

    What is it you would like to know?

    Be well, train hard
    Mouth Boxers have not the testicular nor the spinal fortitude to be known.
    Hence they hide rather than be known as adults.

  4. #4
    Bagua Chung is a totally made up thing that is supposed to be Baguazhang to sell to unsuspection Dupes.

    It was created by a known Cult leader and ex con by the name of John C Kim (AKA Jack Park).

    He also has a fake Tai Chi he calles "Tai Chi Chung".

    Both are some of the worst fake martial imitations ever put together by anyone.

    His schools are known as Chung moo Quan, Chung moo Doe, and Oom Yung Doe.

    They are universally agreed upon by the over all martial community as being the largest frauds the US martial world has EVER seen.

    I'd steer clear of it if I were you.

  5. #5
    i was just wandering if there were any spots in Sydney to learn, and i just wanted to know how practice it is.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Perth, Australia
    Simple answer: don't.

    John C. Kim is teaching b.s. Stay far away. Hide the women and children, and get the torches and pitchforks out.


    -A hundred enemies, a hundred cups of wine. Infinite enemies, infinite wine.-

  7. #7
    i was just wandering if there were any spots in Sydney to learn, and i just wanted to know how practice it is.

    I would not bother. You can find real Baguazhang there if you look. Bagwa Chung is a 100% fake imitation. Most of the practices are designed into fooling the student they are getting real Kung Fu, whne in reality they are just walking around in circles learning horriby wrong body structure, weak body mechanics, poor positional skills,and are actually TAUGHT to be open to counters so the higher belts can easily exploit them for the purposes of making them slefes looks vastly superior then they are. This is all a slight of hand, like a Magic show illusion designed to suck your money from you and drain your bank accounts.

    It is a *VERY* Destructive cult

    Go to Yahoo Groups and look up Oomyungdoe_discuss (or some such similar title, I don't remember which anymore). There are 2 boards, one is not active, and the other has 10,000 + posts. The one with 10,000 posts+ is the one with all the court documents and files on them.

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