
Thanks for the info. You answered my question about Yip Man relation just fine. I didn't know Yip Man sent people as representatives to different places, or even one. It is interesting to piece together different parts of his life. Where did Lee Shing collect his wing chun from if Yip Man wasn't really his teacher? I'll check out that web site and maybe that will answer some questions.

I peaked at the other thread about Lee Shing (which I'll read later cause it probably answers all my questions) and found he taught Alan Lamb. I was wondering why Lee Shing's name was so familar, but I couldn't place it.

As for the ring, I am not sure how others view it, but I don't dismiss it. Perhaps I under estimate it cause I don't have any real knowledge of it's use. Is it soley used as a weapon or is it also used as a training aid? Other people tend to out their hands inside of it and do technqiues. It seems to provide some resistance or a bit of training wheels for them. And did the weapon portion actually come through Yip Man or another form of wing chun? It is interestesting as I havn't seen it. The closest I can think of is some of those circular blades with pointy things used in some styles and found in magazines.

Anyways, thanks for the info