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Thread: Kung Fu Why

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970

    Kung Fu Why


    Since I know a lot of peoples here ......I dont names you

    Im curious to know Why you choice to train MA? and mostly Why the CMA ?...
    So much style from so much country.....

    AND WHY YOU CHOICE THE STYLE YOU TRAIN or have train now ?

    three questions.....

    Come on for the chrismas time let your heart talk


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    New Orleans LA


    Chinese Martial Arts rule....


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    MMMMMMMM Ng jit

    CMA Rules.......other styles have also their rules.....

    Come on Men give me ur best shot Im sure u could be more intellect of that ....

    Are you a chu gar ( southern mantis )players my friend..... from Sifu Sammy Wong lineage?

    since you are there whats the difference between the chu gar ,chow ga ,the iron something
    and the jook lum .........Do you know about the Chuka (malysian style....phoenix eyes fist style)

    Last edited by Steeeve; 12-13-2007 at 06:38 PM.

  4. #4
    I do cma, more spacificaly jook lum because It RULES NO SERIUOSLY where I live the only Arts I was exposed to at the time were TKD and karate I didn't know of any other arts. I was playing around w/ my cuz and he hit and it hurt like a somb!tch then he says " oh I do Kung fu Now " I came to 1 class and was so impressed, I decided to join. I stuck w/ it because to this day in my opinion I havn't seen anything as effective. (at least in my area)
    "All the skill in the world won't hold up to a real confrontation if you are too afraid to use it."

  5. #5
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    for myself, i grew up around martial arts. both my father and brother were karate people. I remember my father used to set bricks on fire around the house and break them with his bare hands.

    as a kid, i thought my father was god. i remember he used to get disqualified for breaking noses in tournaments back in the days too.

    Then with my brother being a bruce lee fan, i followed in their footsteps. but karate, judo, tai mantis, all didn't have what i was looking for.

    then i came across hung sing choy lee fut. since being from the streets, this was the most impressive style i saw. very realistic. so i stuck with it.
    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    I was always attracted to Kung Fu over styles from other countries, regions, and cultures. I had the belief that Kung Fu (when taught and trained correctly which I admit is rare) was more balanced than other martial arts. I wanted to learn striking, internal cultivation and energy work, philosophy, culture, and grappling without having to mix martial arts or traditions. So originally I went looking for Kung Fu pretty exclusively. Within Kung Fu, though I started with Hung Gar because it was the toughest, most traditional class I could find in my area. In short I picked Hung Gar because it just so happened that the most skilled Sifu in my area taught Hung Gar. I stayed Hung Gar, b/c it is not only the most balanced system I have found (for me) but it also just fits my personality, psychology, etc. Basically it is the best style for me. It is a good fit. It has been very effective for me both personally and interactively with stylists from other traditions.

  7. #7
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    Jan 1970
    when I first took up martial arts, ( I don't really count Tompkins Karate as I only took it for about a week.) there were no MMA gyms. If there were, I may very well had joined one of them since I wrestled in highschool. But as it was

    I had graduated highschool, was working in a mall while going to a junior college and wanted to do something to stay active and in shape. I played sports all throughout highschool. Another person who worked in the mall was looking to take some martial arts for self defense and to stay in shape as well, that gave me the excuse and impetus to go along. We checked out a few places close to the mall.
    I had another friend who was huge into Bruce Lee and Jeet Kune Do. I was like alot of other daydreamers and belevied that Bruce Lee had to have been the greatest badass ever. This freind told me of a school near the mall run by a teacher named Tai Yim who he said was virtually Bruce Lee's equal. I thought this guy has to be the next baddest dude ever, so the last place my other freind and I checked out was his school.
    I liked the training I saw, especially excercise-wise, and the little bit of technique and form I witnessed was what I was looking for, in that it wasn't so stiff as the other places we checked out. It had alot of fluidity to it, and it looked practical and cool to boot.
    I also learned that they taught full contact fighting and had a successful team that had just come back from a "Bando" tournament in Ohio where almost all the guys from that school that went, won their divisions (I didn't know what Bando was, but knew that at least it was some form of full contact) .
    I did a free trial class, liked it, and joined. I really thought it would be just like any other place where you learn some forms, and spar, and eventually fight full contact. I didn't expect such a cultural immersion of philosophies and traditions, practices that were also incorporated and taught there and in a lot of other Chinese MA. I also liked that originally when I joined, there was no belt system. Just the longer you're there, the more you learn. Some things have changed some since, but thats why I joined and train Hung Fut, a TCMA.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Xi'an, P.R.C.
    Im curious to know Why you choice to train MA?

    I think it was an Asian art festival at U-Mass that showed "Snake in Eagle's Shadow" when I was in 3rd grade. That and Black Belt Theatre after school.

    and mostly Why the CMA ?
    So much style from so much country.....

    No reason. Although I got excited by a Jackie Chan movie I was really too young to know the difference between Karate, Tae Kwon Do or Kung Fu. It was all the same to me.

    AND WHY YOU CHOICE THE STYLE YOU TRAIN or have train now ?

    Random chance. I started off in some pretty old school TKD. Moved around a lot and tried a lot of things. YC Wong's guys blew me away. One of his seniors "sparred" with me but he only used one hand and no kicks and I never touched him. He looked bored even. That's what sold me. Later I went to China and only looked for "good traditional kung fu" with absolutely no preference whatsoever for a particular style. Got lucky and found someone really good.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Southern California
    First post, hello all!

    Im curious to know Why you choice to train MA?

    Kids camp TKD.

    and mostly Why the CMA ?...

    Saturdays, after cartoons, on the USA network they aired Kung Fu Theater for the rest of the day. When I was a kid this was an all day affair for me.

    AND WHY YOU CHOICE THE STYLE YOU TRAIN or have train now ?

    Started with Hung Gar. First with one of Sifu Buck Sam Kongs students, then with Sifu Buck Sam Kong himself. This was a really far commute for me. I finally found Sifu Manuel Rodriguez in Ventura and have stuck with him. He introduced me to Southern Praying Mantis and I have to say that I really like the depth and breadth of the system.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ft Walton Beach, FL
    How I got started with MA? The movies. I've always loved watching martial arts movies growing up. Now, it's more of keeping me physically fit.

    Why CMA? Because it suits my attitude and character. I'm very passive and I think kung fu compliments that. I like the fluidity of the movements and the simplicity of its techniques.

    Why I chose this CMA style? Well, there are plenty of Karate and TKD schools in my area, but was not really interested. Then by chance, a kung fu school opened near where I was staying. Since this was the only kung fu school in my area at that time, I signed up. If it was another CMA that opened instead of Teoul Moon, then I would have enrolled in that school. I just wanted to learn kung fu, no matter what style it was. I've been training in Teoul Moon kung fu off/on for about 10 yrs now and have had the privilege of training under TMKF GM Yim for at least two years. Love the style and the people.
    "In kung fu nothing is given; everything is earned"

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    besides thinking bruce lee is cool when i was a teen...honestly the only reason i do kung fu oppossed to another style is i love the punching power of kaido's crane techniques...I've known how to punch since elementary, once I figured out how to shoot hop gar fists, i was just like ****...every time i hit the bag, i get better and think "****"


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