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Thread: SanZhan or Sanchin Form?

  1. #1

    SanZhan or Sanchin Form?


    Who out there uses a version of the SanZhan or Sanchin form in their training and art?

    If so what lessons do you get from the form and how do you training it?

    The Mandarin "San Zhan" translates as "Three Wars". This is to mean the conflicts of "mind, body, and spirit". Yet in ancient Chinese culture there was not a distinction between the mind and the spirit, which is a more modern, western concept. In the traditional way and our research has led us to view the SanZhan the wars of those between "mind, body and breath", or "mind, body, and qi (internal energy)".

    Breathing for SanZhan is important to its practice Correct breathing builds up internal and external strength, massages the internal organs, and concentrates the mind and spirit of the practitioner.

    It is our belief that SanZhan started out as an exercise or moving Chi-Kung/Qigong practice and later was assigned a fighting element.

    SanZhan is an water element form mainly because of the Jin that one seeks to train when doing this form. “Shui Lan” or “Water Wave” Jin is the main aim of training in this form. It is a similar to the silk cocoon jin that you'll find in Taiji except that there is a more ‘rolling’ type of movement to express the Jin.

    BaBulian is found more in the hand movements. If you observe the “hands cycle” portion of the form, you should be able to detect the 5 Elements (WuXingShou) sequence. This element cycle changes from style to style so it is of little use to go into this deeper.

    BaBulian starts with a "Three Wars" sequence of three similar movements forwards; "Calling Crane Wing Spreading", "Calling Crane Shaking its Plume" and "Calling Crane Shakes it Body". It then moves on to the "Four Doors" sequence which consists of "Calling Crane Blowing", "Calling Crane Prey (Breaking Bamboo)", "Calling Crane Folding Wings", Left and right "Calling Crane Stretching its Neck" (Mighty Hook) and finishing with "Calling Crane Leaving (outgoing) the Nest".

    Lets hear from you!

    Ron Goninan
    China Fuzhou Zhenlan Crane Boxing Australia
    White Crane Research Institute Inc
    A seeker of the way

  2. #2
    In the past I've learned 3 versions. The 1st was the Goju version and the 2nd was the one done by the Uechi Ryu style. the 3rd was from Fujian Dog Boxing.

    Each had its benefit. The dog boxing one was drastically different then the other 2. Alot more springy energy as well as a diverse repertoire of Hand technqiues and some kicks as well.

    Haven't done any of them in years so Can't really comment much on them.

  3. #3
    Thanks for sharing. The Dog Boxing form sounds interesting. I have not heard of kicks shown in SanZhan before. They are usually hidden within the stepping motions of the form.

    Ron Goninan
    China Fuzhou Zhenlan Crane Boxing Australia
    White Crane Research Institute Inc
    A seeker of the way

  4. #4
    Sam Gin (San Chien/San Zhan) - c,h,m

    This set is very old as we can see that almost every Fukien/Fujian style has some version of it.

    The original version was probably very simple and was able to be performed utilizing various hand shapes.

    a good source for various Fukien styles (Crane, Dog, Tiger, 5 Ancestor, etc) is

    While they have alot of books from mainland china they also carry a large selection of Lion Publishing Titles from Taiwan.

    I see alot of similarities in the evolution of San Gin just like the Hung Ga styles Gung Ji Form. It had its origins in a simple routine but then was enhanced by the inclusion of an advanced training set called Tit Sing (iron wire).

    I would compare them to Goju's San Gin and Tenshou sets.

  5. #5
    The San Zhan (3 Wars) forms the first pattern taught in our style of kungfu (White Crane and Tiger kungfu).

    It is also included in the second patttern - SAN ZHAN LIE MA. San Zhan is really the basis, on which eveything grows from. If you cant master the basics and perform the San Zhan, you can never really progress or understand.

    Yes, the main importance in the San Zhan is the breathing. The San Zhan mainly teaches you how to step backwards and forwards along with correct breathing techniques. It helps to gather up chi in the dan tien and expel it when required. It also teaches you to root properly, which of course is extremely important in our style.

    The 2nd San Zhan or San Zhan Lie Ma (Stong Horse Shuffle 3 Wars) is similar, but you use shuffling as apposed to stepping.

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