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Thread: for the love of god wtf is wrong with ppl?

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  1. #20
    "Ignorance (which has nothing to do with being stupid btw) is the constant obstacle to the advancement of mankind. " -D.Ross


    I tend to think that humans know well what the problems of this world are and how to solve them. I think lack of morality is the true obstacle. Humans are intelligent enough to achieve great things (and we have) but now we should get our overall morality to the same level as our knowledge. I think that would truly make the world better and advance us (I mean we've already been to the fri.gging moon!) But, being good isn't profitable. And collecting knowledge fuels one's ego....I'm smarter than you type of thing. I know this "fact" I know that one, look how cool I can sound at a party, etc.

    Case in point, this discussion. Anyone out there who's trying to be a good person could care less about historical "facts" that always seem to be debatable. The debate will go on and on and get where? The same place it always does. Six pages of debate and of no answers and everyone's tired.

    I don't think Jesus had brothers and sisters....and so what? It's a subject of debate and will continue to be. And if it's true then so what? I don't care if he was a member of the friggin' Brady Bunch. Doesn't get me into heaven. It's about the message itself and my own actions.

    When this thread is over I'll see you all next Easter when it surfaces again.
    Last edited by Anthony; 01-24-2008 at 03:58 PM.

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