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Thread: Andrew's workout blog

  1. #676

    Workout #1).
    Squats 15" box as depth gauge
    8x8, started w/ 2 min ri, up to 4 by the end. Knee wraps throughout, belt after set 4

    Hise shrug + calf raise
    Ab wheel 3x8

    Workout #2).
    Practice 2hrs
    Shoulder mobility drills
    Poon sao, 4 positions, changes, 5min each
    Changes off outside huen attack and huen off palm
    7th section entry
    Jut chuen
    -in pak off jut chuen
    -double jut
    -lop/jut off bong


  2. #677

    Recovery workout

    Pairs, 15min each

    BW bulgarian squats front foot up 3 1/2" 6x8
    Farmer's walks w/ 2x76lb dbx50m x5

    Sled-drag w/ head strap 115lbsx40m x6
    KB swings 53lbs x20 x7

    DOMS significantly better than last week


  3. #678

    Staff workout
    trunk rotation- resistance bands from ceiling 3x100
    hip pops on bag 2x100
    handling 5min
    battle punches
    Dynamic 15min
    Hits 5x20 each side
    Band curls 3x30



    Workout #1).
    Chi sao 2 1/2 hrs
    4 positons + changes 5min each
    Outside huen attack
    Huen off palm
    Kwan from bong
    Huen chi sao
    7th section
    -punch/jut/punch def- working on relaxing part of upper back to make lifting tan happen more relaxed
    -kao vs huen
    -messed with making tok more passive/ adding less strength in- interesting
    Fak/lop cycle static
    Jut chuen
    -ask question/inpak
    -double jut
    -lop off bong

    Workout #2).
    Free chi sao 45min


    Practice 2hrs
    Focus mitts
    -working basic attack defense pairs alone and free
    Walk vs pressure
    Poon sao 4 positions
    Kao vs attempt to smash bong down

    Been on this technical kick lately because of various folks injuries and some new stuff I'm trying to integrate. Kinda frustrating, though I see the use.

    Felt like I had the start of cold going so I skipped lifting.


  4. #679


    Bulgarian squats +70lbs
    10x2 w/ 45s ri

    Rack pulls from the knees +383
    5x5 2 1/2 min ri

    Side bends +111
    3x8 1min ri


  5. #680


    DB bench +81 6x6
    BB row+ wings +183 6x8

    Blast strap pushups 6x8
    Seated low 'pulley' rows- 6x10
    Rigged up a band setup to do these 'cos the rear delt flies haven't felt like they were doing anything. The feel was remarkably different. Switched over to single arm at the end- I'll mix those in too.

    Band curls 3x30


  6. #681

    Sled-drag, upper body +115, 80m x7
    Bear crawlsx7

    Band curls 1x40


  7. #682

    Practice 2hrs
    Leg defenses
    Kick defense from pulling attack
    Poon sao 4 positions
    Jut chuen
    Double jut
    Tan/pak from jut chuen
    Jum/gan counter
    Intro to gan cycle


    Workout #1).
    Elliptical 25min

    Workout #2).
    Practice 1hr
    Mobility-long session w/ a bunch of body weight stuff
    Hip pops on bag 2x50
    Pieces of BT 50-100 reps
    Wall bag

    Time has been eaten up by holiday stuff and some URI. Additionally, everyone elses schedule is messed up as they're all tied up in holiday preparations. Very frustrating.



  8. #683

    Squats, 15" box as depth gauge
    Knee wraps all through, belt after set 4
    RI started at 3min, up to 6 by the end.

    Amazing nausea from the lactate.


  9. #684
    Back at my mom's for the holidays. . .

    Bulgarian squats
    45s ri
    Didn't slow down at all until the last rep last set- definitely have more work capacity with these high volume squat workouts

    Rack pulls from above the knee
    Had much more in me, but my arm was giving me trouble, if I'm feeling ok I'll push the weight next time

    Side bends

    DB curls 15lbs 2x30


  10. #685


    DB bench @ 2x80
    DB row @80

    Bradford presses @95
    2x8, 3x6 (over and back= 1 rep)
    Close palm in grip lat pulldown @ 155

    Low pulley row @ 90?
    Calf raises @ 155?

    Messing around on the machines at the gym my mom goes to. . .

    Biceps very sore- first time I've done compound stuff with biceps involvement in months, but no signs of injury.

    Saw a guy doing bulgarians as 1/8 squats with 135, had to say something. The vague wobble up and down with 250 on his front squat I could walk by, but it's hard to watch someone do that to bulgarians. . .


  11. #686
    Crazy busy since recovering from the epic party that was NYE; job hunt in full swing, trying to cut a deal to become a nephrology division for a PPO (and get not just myself but two colleagues a gig), called in to cover the hospital for a colleague whose pregnancy is getting difficult, stuck with a schmuck for a junior fellow, a putz for a resident, a 4th year med student who's never been in the system before, and the attending went on vacation and has left us with 'rotating coverage'- explaining the whole service to a different person every day. On the plus side, our new kittens showed up last Friday and they're absolute terrors- f3 savannahs, 12.5% serval and acting like it. They're going to take some socializing to keep them from destroying the house.

    Last few days as I can remember them


    Workout #1).
    Elliptical 25min

    Workout #2).
    Practice 2 1/2 hrs
    Pad work, punches and elbows, various combis
    Side headlock counters- 3 variants
    Teaching w/ light drilling, will incorporate next session
    Wrist grab counters (principles and relation to form) vs bs 'martial arts grab
    Wrist grab counter vs someone grabbing like they're actually gonna do something (step and fold with elbow)- relation to shoulder girdle mechanics
    Tabata intervals, ground and pound


    Elliptical 25min


    Workout #1).
    Elliptical 20min

    Workout #2).
    Blast strap pushups max reps 90s ri
    21 12 7

    DB floor press +2x81, 2x6, 1x4, 1x3
    Pendlay rows +153 4x8
    90s ri

    Shocked at difficulty with floor presses, think it was the pre-exhaustion from the pushups. I'll probably go back to my earlier scheme of 4-6 sets of 5-8reps, push-pull paired as that seemed to be allowing me to make nice size and strength gains. Pendlay rows are keepers, will keep the reps at 6 or less as they're explosive.

    Bradford presses +85 3x8
    Band seated rows 3x12

    Band curls 3x30

    Workout #1).
    Elliptical 25min

    Workout #2).
    BB Bulgarian squats+90
    8x2 45s ri

    Rack pulls above knees 90s ri
    405 1x4
    495 4x4

    Belt squats 90s ri
    Great present from my wife for xmas- these are an absolute keeper. Need to set the platforms higer next time, but I could feel my tight R hip flexor release on the 5th set- felt great- while my thighs were definitely working.

    Band curls 2x30

    Last edited by AndrewS; 01-10-2008 at 08:08 AM. Reason: Error

  12. #687

    Circut 3x through
    BW bulgarian squats, front foot up 3 1/2", x10
    Kb swings 72x10
    Deadlift with headstrap 65x5


    Workout #1).
    Main partner 1+ hr
    BT apps
    Messed with some use of lop + hook w/ footwork, plaing with very short lop (analogous to pak as patting jab)- when playing this a little freer it reminded of Su Dong Chen when I got a chance to play with him a little.

    Workout #2).
    Practice 2+hrs

    Interspersed hits on shield with reps from distance and poon sao- did a lot of time and coaching on hit mechanics, wound up using Terrance's 'stop a charge through with a shield with a punch', thing.
    In pak
    Kwan vs inpak
    Pulling attack

    Jut chuen
    Tan/pak/palm vs jut chuen

    Decent day.

    Then the food poisoning kicked in. Ugh.


    recovered from night awake in bathroom


  13. #688
    Join Date
    May 2005

    you alive?? the food poisoning wasnt that bad was it...


  14. #689

    Workout #1).

    Blast strap pushups +20lbs chain
    Pendelay rows +153

    BB MP +95 5x8
    Band lat pulldown + wings 5x12

    Sledge/club-bell stuff 3x2min
    Band curls 3x30

    Workout #2)
    Sun practice 2 1/2 hrs
    Partner getting tapped passing at new MT/BJJ gym, spent a while analyzing why he was getting caught

    Focus mitts
    Pak dar, tan dar, gan dar

    Gan cycle

    In pak from distance
    In pak from clinch vs single neck tie


    thanks for asking after me- I've been crazy busy lately- covering the hospital for a sick colleague while interviewing at many jobs, and having some personal stuff going on. The job hunting has eaten up a great deal of my time, as it should, 'cos hunting for a gig in private practice is essentially looking for a long term relationship. The number of business dinners and hospital cafeterias I've been to has been disturbing.


  15. #690
    From the WC forum

    Hey Navin,

    Hi Andrew,

    One of my offensive strategies is also to cut off the ring with forward pressure, enclosing the attacker.

    What are some of the stepping drills and concepts which you use to apply "cutting off the ring"?

    Do you cut off the ring like George Foreman did against mohammed Ali using stacking stepping into his centerline, or do you try to keep the attacker facing away from you while you face him with either side or frontal facing?

    Sounds like we're using similar ideas- the kinda 'meta' idea I use is to develop an eye for where to step so as to restrict the other persons motion in a direction, then make my next step and attack through that direction. The simplest example of this is seeing someone who crosses their feet while precontact, move to make them cross their feet, then crash during that moment. Against better people the mistakes are smaller, but the idea is the same- find the dead spot in the other person's motion where they aren't on 'point', where they're not free to move in all directions.

    I used to do this by using what has been described to me as knife footwork- square stepping to the outside of the other person's feet, then enter on the triangle (d*mn, this is hard to verbalize). I'd keep aimed up the middle, but step to the outside of the other person's feet. This makes it so they tend to step to a place where I can just step forward and hit them, if they lose control of range during their stepping.

    Now, after some coaching by Mr. Latosa, I do something similar, but use subtle shoulder shifts and less obvious footwork.

    Drills to develop this
    - 'stalking'- no strikes, one person moves however (and can try to execute the above ideas) while the other tries to keep the range fixed, stay on point, and deny angles no matter how the other steps and moves (forward, back, fast, slow, slipping, etc)
    -above, + fixed range person steps to break range when they feel it
    - add above to pure defence drills w/ hands (CM)
    -add above to jab sparring
    -add above to free boxing various intensities
    - add above to legs only
    -add above to free, low intensity
    Can continue after engagement or just agree to disengage after a few seconds and work on free motion again
    Same thing holds with sticks, and gets more obvious as a stick attack comes on a plane as opposed to a line.
    Lock and block stick drills
    Any free or cycled stick drill can use this.
    Empty hand vs weapons, different weapon lengths, etc.

    Hope this makes sense,


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