Stallion urine is allegedly high in a steriod-like compound (which we know is skin permeable from the Bonds case ) so I've heard postulation that the legend of the stable boy being a stud might be founded in the exposure to horse pee. Stranger things have happened. Urine, particularly that of virgin boys, is a common element in many kung fu curatives. I'm disappointed that no one here picked up on the reference.

As for mercury, it is universally considered as a mystical element. If you look at almost ancient culture, it figures prominent as a common ingredient, particularly in the quest for the philosopher's stone, which is essentially what the external dan is in ancient TCM. That is the same dan as in dantian, and we all know where that research went, right? Dan means cinnabar. Given all this history, I'm really surprised it drew such a violent reaction, since anyone who knows there history, knows the origin.

Know your roots and culture.