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Thread: Shou Shu

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Su Lin View Post
    LOl I was going to point the op there The ever present Mr Lee Waters!
    He (might even be a she!) has done a good job finding first eye witnesses to the Moore's training in American kempo. I always thought their back story was dodgy.

  2. #17

    Ever Present!

    Male, and old thank you.

    Shou Shu in a nut shell.

    Al and family trained under, Al Tracy, Richard Lee, Bob Blackmoore, Steve Labounty. I confirmed all but Mr. Blackmoore. And when asked about prior martial arts training before Kenpo, or training in China, all had the same respectful answer, Not to my knowledge!

    Systems, Tracy's Kenpo, Richard Lee's Bok Fu do, and Ed Parkers American Kenpo.

    Richard lee was one of only three Tracy Kenpo 10 degree black Belts

    The ever present
    Last edited by L.Waters; 02-13-2008 at 04:15 PM.
    If ignorance is bliss,
    why aren't more people happy?

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Woooooah that was freaky Are you omnipotent Lee? Good job I didn't say anything horrible!

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Wuhan, Hubei, China
    Quote Originally Posted by Takuan View Post
    Then we had a kung fu staredown, and I propelled my qi through her.
    was she atleast cute? The girl I mean?

    nothing worst than propelling your qi through an ugly girl.
    得 心 應 手

    蔡 李 佛 中 國 武 術 學 院 - ( 南 非 )

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Pittsburgh PA
    Quote Originally Posted by Eddie View Post
    was she atleast cute? The girl I mean?

    nothing worst than propelling your qi through an ugly girl.

    with a paper bag it doesn't really matter! i would avoid using plastic bags though
    Bless you

  6. #21

    What do you think?

    Shou shu history, By Sheng Chi Kung Fu

    Please reply with opinions.

    If ignorance is bliss,
    why aren't more people happy?

  7. #22
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Columbus, OH
    Pretty silly. Sounds like something made up in a junior high creative writing class ;-)

    BTW, anyone else think this guy looks a bit creepy?

  8. #23

    Do the math.

    In Al Moore's own words. (1976 interview) Date known from checking contractor lic. board on ad for Don Bricker Genral Contractor. Lic #313006 on Page six of interview. Notice he never speaks of his history with Richard Lee, Al Tracy or Mr Parker and their systems in the interview.

    Started martial arts at the age of thirteen, (1939) Born 2/28/26 Fresno County, Kung Fu master in China after World War Two, (1944) so we will give him to 1950 with The Chinese Revolution and all. 1950 Mr Moore would have been twenty four years of age when he claims to have become a Kung Fu master. A total of eleven years of training. 1939 to 1950.

    Wonder why he never spoke of these grand adventures with the men he studied Kenpo with in the late 1960's.

    Guess he saved the stories for his students.

    List of Bok Fu Do Techniques found in Shou Shu!

    Last edited by L.Waters; 03-05-2008 at 10:10 AM.
    If ignorance is bliss,
    why aren't more people happy?

  9. #24


    U.S.A. Martial Arts Hall of Fame.

    Vance Cody-

    Ted Guerrero- ( Newspaper The Kingman - Daily Miner )

    I can't find them listed, is this for real or just a BS site where you send in your money and get your name on a list, and if it is BS what kind of reporters are Rob Weiler of the Kingman Daily Miner and
    Vanessa D. Overbeck of the Redlands Daily Facts. Did they research the history of Shou Shu. People wonder why people get upset with the press.

    Wonder who voted these men in? If anyone knows please post.

    Last edited by L.Waters; 03-06-2008 at 02:25 PM.
    If ignorance is bliss,
    why aren't more people happy?

  10. #25

    Integrity Found in Shou Shu!

    Hat off to Mr Guerrero.

    Time frame a little off, Mr Lee started teaching Bok Fu in 1967 so the techniques of Bok Fu found in Shou Shu came after Al Jr's completion of Bok Fu in the 1970's. Shou Shu came to be in the early to mid 70's. Unless Al and Ralph just copied the systems and techinques they had trained in.

    The Tracy brothers opened a second school, in Sacramento, in 1962, and a third, in San Jose, in 1963

    Time Frame,four to five years Min for black belt, would put Al Tracy's first Black Belt's at around 1966 or 67. So first degree black belt for Al Moore would be around this time.

    Mr Labounty Quote. All of this was in the late 60's. Big Al and Ralph decided to go their own way and get into the Shou Shu material.

    Point of view, Truth being Mr Moore lied to newspapers, students and made liers and fools of many, and lived this lie to the end. Really a pretty sad story.

    Now we will see the Shou Shu instructors who sticks with the lie, or sets the story stright with their students!

    Last edited by L.Waters; 03-08-2008 at 03:29 PM.
    If ignorance is bliss,
    why aren't more people happy?

  11. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by htowndragon View Post
    shou shu in mandarin dialect means surgery
    that is easily the best name for an art

    kinda says

    i'm going to take you a part

    make you bleed

    swap your organs around

    take your heart out

    possibly kill you

    knock you out

    use knives on you


    all in one word


    best name ever
    there are only masters where there are slaves

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaolin Wookie View Post
    5. The reason you know you're wrong: I'm John Takeshi, and I said so, beeyotch.

  12. #27

    To Bow!

    If ignorance is bliss,
    why aren't more people happy?

  13. #28

    Changing Title

    If ignorance is bliss,
    why aren't more people happy?

  14. #29
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Columbus, OH
    lol, that's terrible

  15. #30
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Columbus, OH
    Yes, it's a word used to refer to medical surgery.

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