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Thread: A thought provoking Royal Dragon E-mail

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  1. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Permanent state of Denial
    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Miles View Post
    The founding fathers of our country were mostly diests who had a great respect for classical Greek philosophy.

    Philosophy they would not have had access to had the Muslims not preseved it. In fact they preseved philosphies that directly contradicted the Quran. Spanish Guitar and most European medical advances came through the Muslims who were proponents of science. They also peacefully coexisted with Christians in Spain.

    Muslims had an influence in most art, music and literature enjoyed by the world today. Romeo and Juliet? Taken from the Arabs. Coffee, frankinscence, myrh, all discovered by muslims. Ginger in food? Thank the Muslims. Chivalry? Preseved medical works of Greece? Its likely that your martial art was influenced or preserved by muslims. Many trusted and respected Chinese were Hui including Zheng He, the famous navigator. Chinese find Islam to be very compatable with Confuciansim and Muslims find Taoist philosophy to be the most compatable with Islam.

    In fact, Islam is more alligned with traditional American values than Christianity. Islam permits one to defend oneself and ones family and infact encourages you to defend yourself and your property. It also encourages a direct personal relationship with God, with no intercessors. No mullahs, no demi god. No middleman. Culturally Saudi's may do this, but it is culture and not the religion or philosophy of Islam.

    The majority of Muslims on Earth are not Arabs, they are Asian. And they don't care at all about mullahs. When you say Muslims can't be American you are saying that people of every nation who follow a particular religion can't be American. This is an unAmerican statement. America is based on certain princibles, freedom of religion is one of them. Many muslims come to America to practice their religion freely which they can not do in their own countries.

    I have American Muslim friends who are proud and patriotic. I have one friend who suspected election fraud in the last election. He took action and created a voting system that is fraud proof which major experts in the US and abroad are hailing. His religion taught him patience and service to his community and country.

    Islam forbids debt, credit cards, ideas in line with ussury laws in early America. Since those have been revoked, the divide between rich and poor is ever widening.

    Most Muslims don't go converting people. They don't want Americans to convert to Islam so much as the simply live by the Christianity they claim to be apart of.

    Living with Saudies does not make you an expert on one of the largest religions on Earth.
    LOL....don't make the mistake of thinking that because the Moors and the Muslims "preserved" these texts that they held them in high regard. Several attempts were made to destroy the ones they had in hand; and you can read Averroes' (pretty much a sceptic in his day..who once said Judaism is the religion of little children; Christinanity that of impossibility; and Islam is the religion of pigs...LOL...) successful attempt to protect them in the Tahafut al-Tahafut. The Muslims loved to burn books, just like Christian rabble that sent Alexandria up in flames....and Averroes and his crew barely saved Aristotle from the firepits.

    BTW, don't romance either side's role in history. Islam is just as shitty....I mean, shady as Christianity, and both of them have equally ridiculous religions with equally ridiculous beliefs, with equally violent, opressive, and hateful histories (although, like I said before, both have good aspects as well--but they had nothing to do with the religion itself, so much as what it facilitated through a "coordinated group effort"). As a footnote to bring the issue down a peg, though, Islam only detests usury because it isn't particularly fond of the Jews (seemingly the only ethnic group of the region with that financial power). As for Islam being more in line with America's Constitutional principles.....yeah, and that's why we based our models of government on the "englightened" socieites of the Tigris and Euphrates....LOL.....that's a joke. I don't doubt you have a patriotic Muslim friend, just like I don't doubt that my father is a patriot and a Christian. But their religions have nothing to do with patriotic zeal, despite the fact their religions preach it. We don't stone people for cussing at their parents, or committing adultery, or bowing down before golden calves. And we don't make people wear birkas.

    Jesus rode a donkey over palm leaves, Mohammed rode one into heaven.

    Personally, I think whoever rides on either of their coattails is an ass.

    As for Asians being Islamic.......well, there are lots of countries that speak French (le monde francophone) who are not French by nationality. Why is that?
    Last edited by Shaolin Wookie; 02-24-2008 at 11:19 AM.

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