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Thread: We done broked Antarctica??

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    and of course, this also means shorter skirts, and more need for spary-on stockings. It just keeps gettin better an better!

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    It'll be back, after all, it is the tail end of a pretty hot summer in teh southern hemisphere.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    Central Florida
    And then the Sun goes into a scheduled freak-out solar flares.
    When seconds count the cops are only minutes away!

    Quote Originally Posted by wenshu View Post
    Sorry, sometimes I forget you guys have that special secret internal sauce where people throw themselves and you don't have to do anything except collect tuition.

  4. #19
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    Jan 2007
    in your mind *****
    I really feel sorry for those believe that there is an unlimited supply of fresh air and clean water and that we cannot pollute the planet enough to have any effect on the environment.
    Whoever said humans can not have an effect on the enviroment?

    define "conclusive" - do you need, like, a bee coming up to you and saying "hey man, you fu(ked us
    That would be rad but a little to Disney for me. How about an actual use of the scientific method based on empircal and measurable evidence which can be reviewed under testing.

    The current hypotheses as an explanation may be mites that carry some sort of super virius that is infecting the European Honey Bee. Remeber, this is just one strain of bee and not the whole Bee world as we know it, actually its far from that.

    But still, for places like Greece, this could be a very big deal. Still though, as we already talked about, this die off effect has happened in history many times.

  5. #20
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    How about the GM crop theory, seedless cops don't need to be fertilized. Are they not attracting the bees?
    When seconds count the cops are only minutes away!

    Quote Originally Posted by wenshu View Post
    Sorry, sometimes I forget you guys have that special secret internal sauce where people throw themselves and you don't have to do anything except collect tuition.

  6. #21
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    in your mind *****
    I highly doubt their are enough GM foods to cause something like this. I am a huge fan of GM foods for starving countries that need the nutrition in hard to farm lands.

    Maybe those stupid *******s in Angola should get their heads out of their asses and stop with the GM food ban before almost 2 million people starve to death because of the pansy a$$ UN warning.
    ......sorry, I was digressing.

  7. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Black Jack II View Post
    ......sorry, I was digressing.

    Don`t give it a second thought. You still make more rational sense than 80% of the people posting here.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Jack II View Post
    It's called colony collapse disorder and it has happened in history many, many, times.

    Way before global bull**** warming was a cult-buzz word.
    Ignorance is not a virtue.

    You're a nincompoop.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by TenTigers View Post
    this might be the answer to the Mid-East crisis. If we can spray enough hydrocarbons into the atmosphere,then we can harness that extra solar energy that will be made available.
    This, my friends, is not only the solution to the oil shortage, but perhaps I have discovered perpetual motion.
    Methinks I see a Nobel prize on the horizen....
    Yeah, but will it power up Black Jack (the Sequel)'s Turbo-powered Hummer?

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Jack II View Post
    Whoever said humans can not have an effect on the enviroment?

    That would be rad but a little to Disney for me. How about an actual use of the scientific method based on empircal and measurable evidence which can be reviewed under testing.

    The current hypotheses as an explanation may be mites that carry some sort of super virius that is infecting the European Honey Bee. Remeber, this is just one strain of bee and not the whole Bee world as we know it, actually its far from that.

    But still, for places like Greece, this could be a very big deal. Still though, as we already talked about, this die off effect has happened in history many times.

    Points to consider:

    1-Humans are animals.

    2-Humans are the largest mammal population on the face of the earth.

    3-Humans have paved the whole ****ing world.

    4-Human growth often overruns food and land supply (in the marketplace).

    Now, I want you to consider what we do when deer populations grow a little too much and destabilize the environment.

    Why can't we see that, as a population of hairless apes, we need to start thinning the herd?

    BTW--I'm not saying we can't keep ****ing, or that we have to rifle our neighbors down--but why not practice responsibility?

    Oh yeah...........these guys:

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Jack II View Post
    I highly doubt their are enough GM foods to cause something like this. I am a huge fan of GM foods for starving countries that need the nutrition in hard to farm lands.

    Maybe those stupid *******s in Angola should get their heads out of their asses and stop with the GM food ban before almost 2 million people starve to death because of the pansy a$$ UN warning.
    ......sorry, I was digressing.
    Why are they starving, BJII? Obviously, because they don't have food, but hte problem involves our global politics, chief.

    During the colonization of Africa, we destroyed the native farming practices. The native populace had a kind of silo storage system that backed up food preserves for a good 7 years (having been around for, oh, millennia, the Africans knew how to rotate crops and store harvests to combat famine--a thing they weren't unfamiliar with). Being the officious *****s we were (mostly Europeans, at the time), we went in and eradicated the practices, ripped up the land, and cropped it up to peanut-farmers. When our colonies collapsed, the transatlantic slave trade and the earth-unfriendly peanut farming had destroyed these cultural practices in the 100-150 year period, and depleted the nutritive elements in the soil. So what do you get? An impoverished, oppressed, poor nation without its farming practices, and with unhealthy land. (It's a little north, but go read a book about desertification in the Sahel.....and no, don't do a Google search. You've proven a fine example of a 300MHZ scholar--try looking into research that undergoes peer review and editing...LOL.....)

    Big wonder, eh?

    But maybe we could make it up.....Democracy, anyone?
    Last edited by Shaolin Wookie; 03-29-2008 at 06:29 AM.

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    When a man argues with a donkey, the donkey always looks better...

    GM foods? Global Warming? Now I know who is actually reading the Monsanto literature and old Genteal Motors Websites?

    Living proof that ignorance is bliss.
    Guangzhou Pak Mei Kung Fu School, Sydney Australia,
    Sifu Leung, Yuk Seng
    Established 1989, Glebe Australia

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by TenTigers View Post
    well, don't think for one minute you're all gonna convince me otherwise. We as humans are personally resposnible for the hole in the ozone layer and subsequent global warming.

    And I am all for it.
    That is why I use aerosol spray cans for everything. Spray everything. spray deoderant, spray paint, hair spray,breath spray,spray on band-aids, I even stopped buying regular cheese. I only use the spray cheese in the can.
    I'm gonna have my own hole in the ozone, right over my front yard, so Next winter, I can sit out on my lounge,sipping Pina coladas out of a coconut cup (with the little umbrella) with my sun reflector, while watching that fat bastid across the street bust his hump shoveling his driveway!
    "Careful of your back there, Buddy! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!"

    (never did like that guy. One of those dumfuk gavonnes. "I don't care how much kurotty you know..." yeah, yeah. STFU)
    Um, Ozone depletion leads to increased UV exposure, not global warming.
    "The man who stands for nothing is likely to fall for anything"

  14. #29
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    gm foods are not the cause of global warming. I don't even want to say "global warming" and would prefer to stick with "climate change" instead.

    Which is a constant whether we are here or not. That is the natural cycle of things according to the geological record as well.

    I don't think our polluting behaviour is doing us any good and it si likely a source of all sorts of things from cancers to respiratory disease to species reduction in song birds, insects, fish, mammals and so on.

    terminator seeds are being looked into as part of the cause for the bee reduction. Could be linked to bats as well.

    I think there is too much emotionalism and political ranting tied to the data taht does exist and i think also that the data that does exist is inconclusive.

    do our activities cause damage? yes, without question. this is easily proven.
    can the damage be reversed. Yes! Earth has a clear record in it's geological layers that show that almost all life was completely wiped off the face of the planet before humans even existed! then, it grew back! So, the only real reason we should clen up our act is for our own self interest as a species.

    the side effect is that the earth will return to a more natural cycle of climate change and we can be a little more guilt free about it while we starve and die in the droughts that will come anyway.
    sad but true.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Gash View Post
    Um, Ozone depletion leads to increased UV exposure, not global warming.
    (sigh) just as well. You have any idea how hard it is to find a good spray on Tilset, or Roquefort?

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