I agree, if you want to be able to defend yourself in the quickest time possible, western boxing is the way to go.
You learn to move, to defend to hit and you experience being hit, all sooner rather than later.
The edge it has over something like kickboxing or muay Thai is the because it focuses only on the hands, the issue of coordination is less than with kickboxing.
Years ago I did the experiment of putting 2 people with NO MA experience doing two different MA.
1 went into boxing and the other into TKD, 3 days a week.
After 3 months the boxer could actually fight and he punched well and moved well enough and defend well.
The TKD guy was still working on his kicks and couldn't really punch very good ( But still better then before of course).
The point being that for quick development of fighting skills boxing is far better suited than most MA because:
It is hands on right away.
You are hitting and sparring right away.
You actually hit something every training session.
You are focusing only on a few techniques and using gross motor skills.
You are not wasting time on indirect training drills.
Psalms 144:1
Praise be my Lord my Rock,
He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !