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Thread: Lower Back Ache

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Katy, Texas

    Lower Back Ache

    Well, I have been having lower back pain for the last 3 days now. I would have this back pain every 3-4 months and it would last for about a week. So, this is not the first time that this has happened. This time, the pain is much more painful than in the previous appearances. The pain is in the middle lower back just above my tailbone. I went to the doctor yesterday and he had me get x-rays done to make sure that my spine was ok. The x-rays were negative and he said that everything looks normal. So, I am trying to see what may be causing the pain? I thought about getting a deep tissue massage or going to a chiropractor.

    So, what does everyone else think? Is there a doctor in the house?

    Please let me know what your opinions are, thanks.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    B-more MD
    could be back spasms..... the low back muscles have long memories and will spaz for little reason after the 1st injury..... after the sharp pains dissapate, work on low back muscular endurance, ab strength and hamstring flexibility and hope for the best.......

    accupuncture and messages with ice work best for me at the onset of a reoccurance and really helps reduce recovery time....

    i've been dealing with back spasms for the past 6 years.... just when you think they are gone...........

    "pain is not my enemy; it is my call to greatness. " - Henry Rollins

    Baltimore San Shou


    “The only undefeated fighters are those who do not compete.” – Coach Sonnon,

  3. #78
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    Keep your buttocks in or push your hips forward. Take shorter steps. Keep your shoulders behind the front of your waist.

    Sleep on your back with something to elevate your buttocks if laying flat surfaced. Or sleep in a way tthat your rolled forward hips hold that position.

    My thought is that your spine is shifted--your belly is in front of your waist. And therefore your buttocks are pushed back. Your upper body weight presses on the shifted weaker area and stomping bumping, transitioned vibrations stop at the break in fluidity of the spinal shift. Massaging just above this areaand pressing downmight begin to unlock it. A liscenced chiropractor might be in order or a bone-setter type.

    I No_Know
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  4. #79
    For back spasms a TENS Unit is a God send.
    I quit after getting my first black belt because the school I was a part of was in the process of lowering their standards A painfully honest KC Elbows

    The crap that many schools do is not the crap I was taught or train in or teach.

    Dam nit... it made sense when it was running through my head.


    People love Iron Crotch. They can't get enough Iron Crotch. We all ride the Iron Crotch for the exposure. Gene

    Find the safety flaw in the training. Rory Miller.

  5. #80
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    Katy, Texas
    Went to the chiro today. He gave me some PT with the electrodes for 10 min and that felt gooood! Afterwards, he adjusted me. I dont think I ever heard my back pop like a machine gun! He was telling me that 90% of the time the pain I have is "mechanical" and just needs adjustment. He was telling me that if the pain has not subsided, he then said that an MRI will be needed. He also told me to get a message, so I have an appt tomorrow for that.

  6. #81
    I get messages daily on my voice mail.
    I quit after getting my first black belt because the school I was a part of was in the process of lowering their standards A painfully honest KC Elbows

    The crap that many schools do is not the crap I was taught or train in or teach.

    Dam nit... it made sense when it was running through my head.


    People love Iron Crotch. They can't get enough Iron Crotch. We all ride the Iron Crotch for the exposure. Gene

    Find the safety flaw in the training. Rory Miller.

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    While i agree with PT I have to say that the fascia has a memory as well and can definately re instate the SI anomoly. I have just overcame such an injury. The sooner you have it corrected the sooner you can get better look for muscle imbalances as well. Mine got reallllll bad and was very painful. Hey PT remember when I e-mailed you about my hips well the SI was the stert of it PM me I will tell you more I think you will find it interestin, I think I am going to do a paper on it. KC
    A Fool is Born every Day !

  8. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by cjurakpt View Post
    TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), while helpful when on, does, unfortunately, little to nothing in terms of actually solving the problem (beyond possibly giving you relief to get you out of pain, in order for you to do something more long term), because TENS is the equivalent of putting your hands over your ears and singing "la la la" when you don't want to listen to something else; the mechanism involves sending more "noise" into the pain fibers, effectively taking up all the space so that the pain signals are shoved out; but it doesn't do anything to the muscles per se (hence the name); NMES (neuromuscular electircal stimulation) is what actually causes muscles to contract in various ways, and can have various therapeutic benefits (such ass resetting the reflex contraction threshold, turning off on-going spasm, clearing inflammation and bringing in more oxygenated blood) depending on how it's used and what you do during and after
    Right. The TENS unit is what I use in place of the pain killers I was on which left my a very unhappy Rogue. With the pain cycle reduced I'm usually able to do the things that stop the spasm (stretch, some acupressure and get to my PT). Next time I have a bad attack I'll check with my PT about the NMES.
    I quit after getting my first black belt because the school I was a part of was in the process of lowering their standards A painfully honest KC Elbows

    The crap that many schools do is not the crap I was taught or train in or teach.

    Dam nit... it made sense when it was running through my head.


    People love Iron Crotch. They can't get enough Iron Crotch. We all ride the Iron Crotch for the exposure. Gene

    Find the safety flaw in the training. Rory Miller.

  9. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by cjurakpt View Post
    BTW, what's the prob? more importantly, have you tried to figure out what your body does the day or three before you have a spasm? that's what I typically tried to get my patients to figure out, even to the point of doing a sort of "self-diagnostic" routine (different for each person, of course) that would give them a heads up that trouble was potentially on the way - that way, they could either self-manage more aggressively, or come see me before it got really out of hand; the ones who took the time to be consistent with this ended up much happier and seeing me much less frequently...
    Hi Chris, The problem seems to be with the quadratus lumborum and I've had the problem for over 25 years. It used to be very sporadic but now seems more frequent. The good news is that I can generally catch it real early and stop it with a some specific stretches followed by a light workout. Don't know if that really helps but so far, so good. For times when it sinks in more I'll add in a couple of Alleves, heat/ice and the TENS. Every once in a blue moon the muscle will spasm around one of the big nerves whose name I can't remember right now, resulting in a real fun time similar to hot skewers in my back, someone screaming and a white out. Really scares the hell out of the kids and the dog.

    These days I have it mostly under control. Things I've changed is no more high round house kicks, dropped doing most TMA style stretches, I don't sit for hours at a time (got out of jury duty because of it), only sleep in certain positions and I make sure I exercise on a regular basis. Bunch of other stuff too but those are the main ones.
    I quit after getting my first black belt because the school I was a part of was in the process of lowering their standards A painfully honest KC Elbows

    The crap that many schools do is not the crap I was taught or train in or teach.

    Dam nit... it made sense when it was running through my head.


    People love Iron Crotch. They can't get enough Iron Crotch. We all ride the Iron Crotch for the exposure. Gene

    Find the safety flaw in the training. Rory Miller.

  10. #85
    the take-home message: while starting locally is fine, IME chronic QL is often associated w/compensation for something else, or several different things; in your case, as you have aggressively treated it locally with inconsistent success, I'd look at ll those other things
    Good call!

    What kind of treatments are you suggesting?
    I quit after getting my first black belt because the school I was a part of was in the process of lowering their standards A painfully honest KC Elbows

    The crap that many schools do is not the crap I was taught or train in or teach.

    Dam nit... it made sense when it was running through my head.


    People love Iron Crotch. They can't get enough Iron Crotch. We all ride the Iron Crotch for the exposure. Gene

    Find the safety flaw in the training. Rory Miller.

  11. #86
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    Mar 2005
    quadratus Lumb will spasm due to pelvic instability it will shorten and all ow the Upslip to continue to be a problem , assoc Muscles will then compensate such as the Iliacus and Psoas, Multifidus as well and assoc lumbar rotation segmentally will decrease. The problem lies in isolating the problem area and the segments that are causing the problem. look at rib displacement as well and increase mobility or kyphosis in the thoracic also get screened for scoliosis. Just a thought KC
    A Fool is Born every Day !

  12. #87
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    what he describes might alleviate some types of LBP, it could significantly aggravate others...
    "Four diagnostic categories were defined: type I - LBP with no radiation; type 2 - LBP radiating no further than the knee; type 3 - LBP radiating beyond the knee, but with no neurologic signs; and type 4 - LBP radiating to a specific and entire leg dermatome. with or without neurologic signs."Where I got these four types list and description

    cjurakpt, if these are not adequate, then when you have a moment, which types of LBP are there? And which do you understand that what I-No_Know described could significantly aggravate?

    I No_Know
    Last edited by No_Know; 04-24-2008 at 11:38 AM. Reason: thiese""
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  13. #88
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    No Know

    I have to agree with PT he is very knowledgable from my conversations with him. I had a patient once with R lower leg pain he and my co workers thought it was from a trauma at the Airport,L5 S1 dermatome, I treated this patient and found no othwer complaints as I continued to treat him I found something just wasnt "right". One day I did US STM and MFR followed by Cryo to decrese pain and inflammation the pt was pain free at the end of the hour I had him. Good work right??
    Well as soon as he sat up he had his same old pain again. I asked have you had your back cleared he said no. I recommended he go back and see his Md he performed an MRI and guess what he had a herniated disc in his LB. Go figure so dont give advise even the pro's get it wrong some time and sometime we are just lucky KC
    A Fool is Born every Day !

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    be cool if typical tcm clinics could afford MRI machines.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  15. #90
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    Mar 2005
    There is an Aruveda prac in India that works with local Oncologists who uses trad med and has a 95% cure rate for cancers KC COOL
    A Fool is Born every Day !

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