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Thread: Question on Lee Koon Hung lineage

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Question Question on Lee Koon Hung lineage

    I know the 3 Choy Lay Fut branches of Choy Lay Fut ,mine is Hung Sing, then their is Buck Sing,and Chan Family Village Branch and to a degree I know their background, founder their roots are fairly clear,now my question is I've read a lot about the Lee Koon Hung groups can someone tell me their roots and branch
    or are they an independant group and I ask with complete respect towards them.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    We are a mixed branch but mostly Hung Sing from Chan Koon Pak, which means basically Chan Family but not directly under the family line. My sifu's sigungs were Wong Fook and Leung Kwai both of whom studied with Chan Koon Pak. Leung Kwai also studied with Jeong Yim which is why we are considered a mixed branch.

    Most of are sets are from the Chan Family sets but we have some sets I have not seen in their list of sets but that could just be because they don't actually post an entire list of sets anywhere.

  3. #3
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    CLFNOLE,thank you for the info sad to say i am unfamilar about Leung,Kwai can you tell me a little bit about him.

  4. #4
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    Don't really know much about him other than who he studied with as he was well, well before my time. His nephew Leung Siu Keung was alive in the 1970s (maybe into the 80s not sure) and is in some of the old pictures we have in the school and in some old pictures I have at home. I know sifu also learned a bit from him as well as the other people he studied with.

  5. #5
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    We have never nor was I ever taught "this is from Chan Family" or "this is from Jeong Yim". Our sets are very different from what I have seen from Fut San but that being said some elements are similar and I have seen some similar elements to buk sing as well.

    We are more of the mindset that we just do CLF.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    thank you for the history lesson.I've always thought If it works,it's good

  7. #7
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    I feel the same way. To me CLF is CLF I really don't like the politics of it as I think it is a waste of time and only weakens us as a group. Each branch and group has contributed to the growth and development of what CLF is today, so in my eyes we are all CLF.

  8. #8
    I found this from my recent LKH research...

    Wong fo was supposed to be a very senior disciple of Chan Koon Pak. Leung Gwai was supposed to be a very senior disciple of Cheung Yim and later relocated to study with Koon Pak in Canton from Fut San. Koon Pak himself would have studied with Cheung Yim. This is Poon Diks line.

    Among others, LKH also studied with So Kam Fook, who is Hung Sing Gwoon.

    LKH's stuff is really quite unique. Apart from the first 2 foundation forms, I have not really seen others like it. But what is Chan village material? I was in HK recently and I wanted to know what other lineages there though of LKH's material. So I was in a converstaion with a Sifu(Buk Sing) about this topic. He's said that it's really to do limb extension and the Chan village guys he's seen, seem to play it with little extension and LKH is totally different from this. LKH's material has all characteristics of Fut Ga, big horse and bridge.

  9. #9
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    So Kam Fook was Poon Dik's si dai, so you can't really say he was hung sing kwoon. In fact, the sets sifu told me he learned from him included baat mo kuen, baat kwa sum kuen, sei chak hok ying kuen and others.

    In terms of how we play our CLF I would agree, we have the extension of buk sing but with lower stances. The speed and flow I think is more similar to what I have seen from some people from the Chan line though; however that could be attributed to the individual. There are differences within the LKH line when it comes to style and flow although the material is basically the same.

    But regarding the sets most if not all are from the Chan line.

    Ping Kuen
    Ping Jahng Kuen
    Sup Gee Kow Dah Kuen
    Baat Kwa Sum Kuen
    Moi Fah Baat Kwa Kuen
    Baat Mo Kuen
    Hok Ying Kuen
    Fu Ying Kuen

    Sheung Garp Dan Tow Kwun
    Dai Hung Kay Dan Tow Kwun
    Hung Jeh Pang

    There are some sets I haven't seen from the Chan side like Fu-Pow Kuen, but that set always had a buk sing flavor to me anyway. However you slice we are a mixed lineage, which is fine with me.
    Last edited by CLFNole; 04-24-2008 at 09:06 AM.

  10. #10
    I was pretty sure, I saw So Kam Fook's name in the Hung Sing Gwoon, family tree. Didn't realize he came from Poon Diks line. I would view that we have more Hung Sing blood than Chan. I heard that Poon Dik didn't even mention Wong Fook, in his 80th as his teacher and mentioned Leung Gwai only. If we agree then Poon dik is the main source of our material, then Cheung Yim would be the originator of our Style.

    The fact of the matter is LKH's line has pretty good genes to begin with. Not sure if this has changed recently but almost all of LKH's prominent students are affliated with Hung Sing Gwoon. Hung Sing Gwoon & other Kung Fu folks in asia(CLF or Non CLF) thinks very highly of LKH, probably more so then here, as he was probably more famous there. When other kung fu folks thinks of CLF they don't think Chan/Buk Sing/Hung Sing, just CLF. I have only encountered Kung Fu eugenics purity, since I started reading this site. So I started doing some research, it appears that most masters in LKH's generation would see him as a Hung Sing man. Infact alot CLF master in HK I found called themselves as CLF then lineage. Who else would know about this fraction stuff apart from us.

    I don't like the word 'mixed' becuase it seems to take away the authenticity of what LKH's kung fu is. So are we a mixed Lineage? Just like everything else - Yes & No. It really depends on the observer. Most of this stuff is passed down from the word of mouth anyways. I don't believe that most CLF masters just stick with one Sifu all their lives, as this would be pretty limiting in terms of growth. So if we got some good footwork & Jong from Koon Pak, thats great. The truth I think is really quite simple. Some Sifus learn more then others. Now multiply that factor by 200 years and separation of distance, and now we got youtube to see the results.

    I believe like you say, good CLF regardless of source & lineages will have a good deal of similarities. Some of the LKH stuff I have been taught does appear in Buk Sing, but if you want to dissect everything, then how do we know then, it's not Hung Sing Gwoon to begin with? But other stuff is definitely specific to Buk Sing & it's quite different.

    Of the forums you mentioned I only learnt Sup jee Kua Da, but where is the similarity with Chan village forum? Is there a Chan version I can see somewhere? Fu Pow is the bomb! Yes, the energy I have been taught to play them is quite different.

  11. #11
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    From the forms I have seen myself:

    ping kuen
    ping jang kuen
    baat kwa sum keun
    li ma/ng lun ma
    che kuen/ng lun choy
    sheung garp dan kwun
    hung jeh pang

    are almost the same with the exception of a few moves here and there which is to be expected since we are not direct from the family line from Koon Pak's hung sing.

    LKH never said Jeong Yim was the founder of our style he always mentioned Chan Hueng 1st and Jeong Yim 2nd but said Jeong Yim was a co-founder so to speak, so I would disagree with you on that point. In fact if you read the history section in sifu's 1st book there is no mention of Jeong Yim at all. I think much of the perception of hung sing is more political than anything else. If you look at who sifu learned from: Poon Dik, Leung Sai, Chow Bing, So Kam Fook, Poon Sing and the fact that we have so many Chan family sets I think you would be hard pressed to say Jeong Yim is the founder of our style.

    In terms of being involved with the Hung Sing Kwoon (Fut San) nobody is that involved I know people have gone there (including your dad) but we all know who really runs the show there. The Hong Kong hing dai have gone to both King Mui and Fut San and realized most of our stuff is more like King Mui than anything else.
    Last edited by CLFNole; 04-24-2008 at 11:36 AM.

  12. #12
    I don't pretend to be an expert but I noticed Some facts or Opinion don't match. So In my research. I recall that even Dave Lacey claim LKH was Hung Sing. I even remember reading an old post by you saying pretty much Cheung Yim was founder of the LKH line. Just wondering whats changed.

    Your political orientation is matter choice. this is currently a bit like President George Jr telling the world that George Bush Sr was not really a republican but a democrat at heart while he's at the republican party.

  13. #13
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    I don't think I have ever stated Jeong Yim was the founder of our line I was taught Chan Heung and Jeong Yim.

    For many years most of the seniors thought we were hung sing until seeing more of the stuff from King Mui was viewed did they realize that in fact we have more Chan forms than Jeong Yim forms. We don't have any sets from Fut San, Frank has confirmed this. The only thing we share is the L-shaped hoi jong.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Hong Kong
    Nice to finally hear a good discussion about this lineage, alot of info I never heard before. Seems there is s strong connection to Jeung Yim via lineage there, but is there any material in this branch that is actually Hung Sing? Being referred to as a "mixed style" may be incorrect but its hard to explain it in other terms. What I see is that most of the forms are Chan Family, and some perhaps unique to this lineage, but I dont think any of the forms at all are from Hung Sing... though I could be wrong.

    From what Ive heard is that it was ultimately Poon Sings decision to change the name to Hung Sing (from whatever it was), but I dont know if its known who chopped off the beginnings of the forms and stuck the Hung Sing salute onto them.

    I do disagree though with some who say that the Hung Sing part is in the execution of the techniques more than in the material. This style is unique, it moves like no others, and theres alot less variation in the way the individuals move opposed to those of other branches. I dont know why this lineage wants to be labeled as "hung sing", but time has passed and now it clearly stands aside from all others. Whatever was the political reason for it back then most likely doesnt exist any longer.

  15. #15
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    As far as "less variation in the way the individuals move" if you look at enough stuff you will know that this is not correct. There is more variation than you might think but in general I agree you can usually tell that something is from the LKH line.

    As far as wanting to be called "hung sing" I don't think that is the case, at least not for us here in FL. It was in sifu's logo so it stays there what we consider ourselves might be a different story. We just like to think of ourselves as plain old CLF. CLF is becoming as bad as hung gar with all the politics and we could care less about politics.


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