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Thread: 3rd USKSF North Regional Tournament - 5/3/2008

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    3rd USKSF North Regional Tournament - 5/3/2008

    Just an announcement regarding the 3rd annual USKSF North Regional Tournament coming up next month in Madison, Wisconsin. More info here -

    Of special note to Wing Chun people are a couple of divisions I helped create -

    - Open bridge hands competition (as opposed to a wing chun specific Chi Sao competition).

    - Full contact weapons fighting. These include pole, long sword, short sword, and for the first time southern knives (i.e. butterfly knives). There will also be a weapons grand champion exhibition match, where the winner of each weapon division will fight each other.
    "The Evil Chu's"
    Watchful Dragon

  2. #2

    Thank you Sifu!

    Here's a highlight video of 2007.

    Hope to see you all there!
    USKSF North Region:

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin
    Here's the double knives rules for anyone that's interested:

    Southern Double Knives Competition Rules
    The intent of this division is for the competitors to explore the concepts they learn in their weapon sets in a live environment against a resisting opponent. Since this is a double weapon division, competitors are judged more favorably for using combinations rather than single weapon hack and slash techniques, or wild flailing. Note also that since the weapons are bladed weapons, competitors must treat them as such – blunt edged “stick fighting” style techniques will be discouraged.

    Ring Size:
    16 x 16 ft.

    Match Format:
    This will be a performance and score limited competition. The match will be awarded to the competitor reaching full score first.
    - Competitors will start each exchange with at least one foot on the edge of their respective ring sides.
    - Competitors will wait for the judge’s signal to begin, at which point they may engage.
    - Competitors are separated after a 5 second exchange period, or after a "kill" shot is achieved during the five second exchange period.
    - Points are awarded to each competitor after each exchange.

    Full score will be a total of twelve (12) or (21) points depending on the number of competitors and set at the discretion of the judges.
    The entire body is a legal target. However, scoring follows the following format:
    -Clean entry/controlling slash followed by a secondary slash or stab to lethal area: 3 points
    -Clean entry slash followed by a secondary slash or stab to a non-lethal area: 2 points.
    -Clean single slash or stab to a lethal area: 2 points.
    -Clean single slash to a non-lethal area of the body or legs, followed by backing off: 1 point
    -Disarm: 4 points
    -Simultaneous kill shots: No points, each cancel the other.
    -Competitors leaving the match area 3 times are deducted 1 point.

    Lethal “kill” areas are those designated by:
    • The head and neck
    • The middle of the torso via a stab
    • Major artery areas of the arm and leg.

    There will be 3 corner judges, one middle referee, and a time keeper.

    -Lei Tai Style Helmet (provided)
    -Forearm padding (provided)
    -Approved foam padded weapon (provided)

    Protective Gear:
    -Groin Protection (mandatory, not provided)
    -Chest Protector (optional, provided)
    Last edited by martyg; 04-20-2008 at 12:05 AM.
    "The Evil Chu's"
    Watchful Dragon

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Rockville, MD
    Hey Marty!

    The double knife sparring sounds very interesting! Wish I could make up your way. I'm hoping you'll have some good footage to post when its over.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin
    Heya Keith, I certainly plan on taking video of it and putting it up for my wing chun brethren to see.

    It is an open competition though, so I'm hoping other southern arts considering entering it.
    "The Evil Chu's"
    Watchful Dragon

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Milwaukee, Wisconsin
    Just got notice that we'll probably have an 8 x 8 platform for the bridging hands competition.
    "The Evil Chu's"
    Watchful Dragon

  7. #7


    How was the tournament? I did some google searches for news about it, but couldn't find anything.

  8. #8

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