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Thread: Chinese nationalism and anger

  1. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by David Jamieson View Post
    You are essentially saying that China should give up 25% of it's geographical territory in support of the notion of democracy for a nation that never was democratic to begin with?

    Perhaps the USA should give up all the lands that belong to the indigenous peoples and recompense them for destroying their people, culture and religion?

    Perhaps Canada should allow Quebec to secede and just hand that over before the language culture and roman catholicism dies out!

    To be honest with you YES. The area is populated by mostly Tibetan people, the area was taken RECENTLY by the Chinese Government. If enough people in the "newly" occupied area, want independence... then YES give it to them. My only stipulation would be to not allow the dailai lama to govern them again. Force a religion free government.

    If you are comparing the Native American's stolen land to the stolen land by the Chinese government... its a pretty dumb argument. BUT, just to give you a hard time I will note that All Native American land is governed by the Native American people. They have their own government, and police. The said fact is that they would be better off without their corrupt government.

    How can you compare something that happened over a hundred years ago to something that JUST HAPPENED ?
    People are still alive that witnessed the occupation...

    Did you notice I don't like the dailai lama? I know about what the lama's did, and I have talked to people who lived in Tabet and had family before china invaded Tibet.
    I will not say anything negative about the man out of respect for Buddhists on the forum.
    Last edited by monji112000; 05-04-2008 at 08:42 AM.

  2. #17

    Thumbs up

    Tan wei wei concert in LA to promote super girl voice (american idol equivalent).

    Mongolian, moslem and tibetan chinese songs.

    love the songs and singing

    dun care much for the costume.


    Last edited by SPJ; 05-05-2008 at 03:27 PM.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Please do not feed the Trolls but if you must, feed them only poison.
    Yahoo Moderator Creed

    Fighting on the Internet and competing in the Special Olympics have a lot in common. They are both exclusively for the Retarded. Anon

    Among the many proud moments of my life was having my discipleship posted on Mantis Cave and one of the funniest was when I saw how they mis-spelled it. Moi

  4. #19

    Thumbs up

    In an interview with Taiwan's Tian Xia magazine;

    Da Lai La Ma talked;

    1. A political leader should have compassion, then he or she will be more truthful or honest.

    2. In the beginning of the 20 th century, all political leaders resorted to force or violence to solve political issues.

    In the latter part of the 20 th century, the idea of dialogue and co existence prevailed in the political thinking.

    3. Unity. He urged Taiwan, China and Tibet stay together as unity or solidarity. All Han and Tibetan live or co exist peacefully together.

    4. Due to cultural revolution, a lot of ideas and culture were destroyed in PRC. However, in Taiwan, 5,000 years of Chinese culture and ideas are still intact. There is no issue of Taiwanese culture vs Chinese culture.

    5. He prayed for political leaders with compassion that would lead and guide the politics in east Asia in the 21st century.

    A cover story of Tian Xia mag.

    Last edited by SPJ; 05-12-2008 at 07:39 AM.

  5. #20
    One day the people of China and Tibet will share one thing in common - revolution.

    You can lie to the people only so long, until they figure out fire and clubs work pretty well.

    IMO, the Tibetan PEOPLE need to free themselves externally because no one, not even His Holiness can do it.

    And we shouldn't do it either. But we ought not condone China's actions by going to their Olympics.

    But, realistically... our history is rife with annexation and frankly, nobody in DC would survive the hellfire from advocating not going - something that would cost the US billions in revenue and worsen our economy. Since our economy is all that keeps this country moving, I guess patriotically we have to go.

    But what is right is right, and we ought not go.

    Then again, I eat meat and shop at Wal-Mart, so a hypocrite speaks. Just rambling on with all my fellow hypocrites on all ends of the spectrum... LMFAO

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by shadowlin View Post
    You can lie to the people only so long, until they figure out fire and clubs work pretty well.

    No, they don't work so well against tanks and machine guns, idiot. That's part of the problem.

  7. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by unkokusai View Post
    No, they don't work so well against tanks and machine guns, idiot. That's part of the problem.

    user 303,437,532 that thinks the word idiot is original and creative.

    this youtube generation really lacks.

  8. #23

  9. #24
    my point is that we have to understand about peace so much so about war.


  10. #25

    Thumbs up

    this is one of my fave songs.

    me and my brothers used to sing it all the time with a guitar in the 70's.


    what happen?

    "we all got old" I said to my brothers.

    "yes indeed".

    "aren't we all?"


  11. #26
    there was a uproar of protests for CNN "unfair" or "untruthful" reports.

    here are 2 interesting songs made popular since then.

    not to stir up a pot that is already boiling.

    meaning not necessary.


    just for your info.

    Last edited by SPJ; 05-15-2008 at 07:43 PM.

  12. #27

  13. #28
    At the end of cctv program

    the reporter concluded that we are not against the media in the west. but we are against untruthful or unfair reports.

    we are not against the people in the west, but we are against "biased" or unfair views.

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