you know if there is a tournament (Mountain Fellowship) this year? I heard about something about some trouble that Frank had with a tournament and some money last year I think it was? Do you know anything about it? I heard this is why GM Ng doesn't teach Frank anymore. If you do not wish to say openly you can PM me on it. Just curious. If there is a tournament this year I hope I haven't missed it. I'd like to go up and see John Ng and his family. It's hard to believe his son is in college now. I remember his son when he was just a little baby crawling around on the floor at Four Seasons here in Lexington when John had his school here (Lex.). Makes me feel I might have met you before Shane. I was up in Whitesburg in 2005 or 2006 for that tournament and also a few other times learning a little Monkey BaQua. Frank and GM Ng were teaching it to me, Mark Burgher, and a few others that went up with us. Mark Burgher had a bad case of gout in his foot and GM Ng did accupuncture on him (Burgher) back at his house. Then we went out for Chinese food at some hole in the wall place BUT really good food.