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Thread: CLF Questions and Answers

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    San Francisco
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    in my own defense

    in my own defense

    This forum really is filled with nuts. Some feel they are elite, when the total opposite is true. Some want to ride the band wagon, why? I could care less. When i first joined this forum, i intentionally acted like a ***** because i wanted to see what people actually knew about CLF history to see if i could learn more. my intentions was to shake up the tree and see what falls out. look at all the nuts now!

    However, the few on this forum who try to discredit me are nothing but jokes. And I laugh at their attempts. I understand people don't like or can't swallow how strong i am in my beliefs, whatever they may be. Or that I won't back down while others keep trying to prove me wrong. Well, what they don't realize is every single time they attack I get stronger. If I am shown where I'm wrong and fix it, i am then that much stronger.

    I love how people like dave ross (who's been a running joke on the forum for a long time) and how Mike P. all try and gang up on me so others don't see their own faults. People like this attack, and when they get a response they don't like, they claim foul! You guys say I'm not a gangster blah blah blah.......well, if i was a gangster, do you think I'd publicize it on the internet? What gangs have a bragged being with? Show me where I bragged about being a gangster. You sound so dumb!

    Okay, Mike brought up the fact that I did not fulfill my obligations to my new sifu in fut san. Why, because unlike him, i don't have parents to fall back on when I need money. I couldn't return to Fut San but that was no biggie because I get what I can't from my first and only real sifu (Dino Salvatera). I have no shame in this, nor did i do anything wrong. period.

    I'll explain it this way. I never asked for a new sifu in fut san. I was given one. Plain and simple. In my book, GM Dino Salvatera is my only sifu. I only went to fut san to visit the birthplace of our gung fu. Our gung fu, not chan family gung fu and was GIVEN a sifu.

    Now, in regards to history. Until my sifu and I began documenting the history that has always been orally passed down within our lineage, there was NO written information in ENGLISH on Jeung Hung Sing or his direct lineage at all. So, we were the first to document it and put it on the internet. I am not Chan Family, so what they had in their records about MY founder was only secondary to me. I personally contacted and corresponded with other Hung Sing masters over many years to cross check the Hung Sing history as they knew it and to learn things i didn't already know. My old writing is just that, my OLD writing that hasn't been updated.

    Actual dates were something that we had to deduce on our own since even according to the Chan Family that their own records were filled with wrong dates and information. Most of the written historical information came from Chan Yiu Chi, during the 3rd generation of Chan Family CLF. Even Joseph said its possible Chan Yiu Chi could have been biased, and since the latter is an actual blood relative, it makes sense he would glorify his grandfather as anyone of us would if it were ours.

    Writing our history down was NEVER that important to us. I've been doing HSCLF since 81/82 and only until the mid 90's did I start to want to know more about Jeung Hung Sing. First it started like this.....
    Who was Jeung Yim?
    How and why was he called Hung Sing?
    where was he from?
    How old was he when he first started?

    How Long did he train with Chan Heung?
    Who was the Green Grass Monk?

    and so forth. So I set out to see what I could learn. I will be the first to admit, we all believed Chan Heung was our founder until we started asking questions. The more questions we asked, the more we realized "hey wait a minute, if Jeung Yim went back to Chan Heung and shared what he learned with the Green Grass Monk, then they began adding in some of it, doesn't that make Jeung Hung Sing a co-founder of sorts?"

    In regards to Jeung Yim's birthday, he was 69/70 years old when he died. When we counted backwards from his death in 1893, we got the birthdate of 1824. When we added in the fact that jeung yim was 12 when he first went to Chan Heung, 1824 + 12 =1836! In 1836, Chan Heung launched a new gung fu system that was only in its early developmental stages. So when you know that Jeung Yim only stayed for 5 years, that makes it 1841 when he left Chan Heung to go to the Green Grass Monk.

    being born in 1824, and at the age of 17, that would make the year 1841 right? So, from 17-25 years old Jeung yim stayed with the green grass monk. that would be the years 1841-1849. And according to some writing, around that time there were TWO CLF's, Chan Heung's and Jeung Hung Sings.

    To those who think I will fabricate something, you are completely and utterly WRONG. For example, when the idea that Jeung Hung Sing was killed young after being ambushed during a trip he was making to see Chan Heung I almost believed it because who knew the truth. That was until i back dated Chan Ngau Sing's death from 1926 and based on how old he was at the time of his death, I came to realize that the above story about Jeung Hung Sing's death was not the truth. Chan Ngau Sing wasn't even alive then.

    Why you may ask? Because Chan Ngau Sing was born in 1864, and if Jeung Hung Sing died early, than teaching Chan Ngau Sing was plain out of the question. There are many rumors in hung sing about this or that and I haven't posted them because I can't get anyone to verify them. So they stay in the background for a while.

    When DFW printed in his book that the Green Grass Monk was a fake, I went out and discovered more information on him. Ultimately, DFW changed his original course only to claim that Ching Cho was in fact Choy Fook. When he said there was NO Chan Family village, we proved he was wrong since there was a village in King Mui where everyone was a Chan. And when DFW tried to claim that Jeung Hung Sing was just an average student who came in the latter stages of CLF's development, I proved that was incorrect.

    Now, when all claim that Green Grass Monk was a myth, I discovered that stemming from the Southern Shaolin temple there was only one green grass monk. Hung Ga, Shaolin, and Hung Sing Choy Lee Fut are the only systems that make mention of the Green Grass Monk. 3 systems, not just one talk about this mythical person. The first two say he was the acting abbott and Chief gung fu instructor of the southern shaolin temple after Gee Sim, in charge of 108 fighting monks, and devised the Lohan halls for graduating students. And, for Premier Zhou En Lai to personally instruct Hung Sing disciple Chen Yilin to write the "100 years of the Fut San Hung Sing Kwoon beginning to end" and NOT to leave out the Green Grass Monk. To me, that says the Green Grass Monk was more than just a myth.

    People from the Chan Family lineage claimed that Jeung Yim was just a student under Chan Heung who got well known. If we let it be, we would have never discovered that Jeung Yim helped develop CLF, that he was the founder of his own version of CLF, and that jeung yim only learned the most earliest version of CLF. Or, that Jeung Yim was in fact present in 1851 with his own school and not 1867 like they wanted to paint that picture to be.

    Last edited by hskwarrior; 05-17-2008 at 10:53 AM.
    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

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