Quote Originally Posted by BoulderDawg View Post
Here's something I found interesting:
This is a story about a 13 year old severly autistic kid. Seems like his family really enjoys the church they go to but the church is afraid of the boy. He has become violent at times and has done some other anti-social activities during services. To make a long story short they, more or less, banned him from the church.

This raises some interesting legal questions: We are all free to worship however we please but does that mean a church can deny our worship due to something like mental retardation that is out of our control?

When I read this story it sounded to me as if the church simply refuses to deal with the situation and it's the first time I've ever heard of anything like this although I sure there are thousands of mentally retarded and autistic worshippers attending church every week without problems.

Is it moral, legal or ethical? If it is legal, then $$$signs because this is the American way!

It would be devious to see how this turns out because the presumptive tyranny of those who claim they are the majority would say "Just leave the church and find another"!! How's that for a solution to life's problems!

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