Quote Originally Posted by wudangquan View Post

I'm going to ask about this far and wide, because I really need good answers . . .

I'm about to begin training martial arts full time (6 hours a day, maybe).

The reason is because I've let my health degenerate so badly that I have to make a drastic change. Let's just say I'm less than adonyssian at this point.

So I want to get as much information as possible. If you were going to go into training a traditional martial art, more or less blind, and you were

-had low physical endurance
-were basically inflexible

What would you do to remedy the problems as quickly as possible?

Can anyone suggest a basic training routine, without knowing to many details?


6 hours a day = No, don't do that right away.

If you have 6 hours a day to spend, then you want to gradually put yourself into shape.

start with walking at a brisk pace to induce cardio. walk to break a sweat and raise your heart rate into the fat burning zone and keep it there for as long as you can without robbing glycogens through raising the count.

so, walk, walk brickly and do that for about 2 months.

with this, every 2nd day, add isolation weight lifting routines.

so, walk everyday and every second day:

- Do chest and arms
- Do legs and Back
- Do full body routine

do ab workouts as well with crunches, leg raises and supermans. on the second days with the weights.

after about 2 or 3 month you should have lost some weight but there is also a dietary question.

to shed fat and get lean, you need less carbs, more protein and good cardio sessions.

it's equally important to eat right. If you continue with too much processed foods then it will take a lot longer to shed those pounds and restabilize your core.
onceyou restabilize your core and have some strength. You can up the reps and vigour of your work outs.

when you get to where you want to be, find a maintanace series of routines that will keep you there and continue on with the better diet.

heavy fat shedding equals lots of cardio and lots of proteins and few carbs.

muscle and endurance building equals - lots of complex carbs and fuel carbs with same proteins for recovery and muscle building.

reduce sugars and salts that are not naturally occuring.
take multi vitamins
