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Thread: What Weapons Forms Did You Learn First?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Grand Rapids, MI

    What Weapons Forms Did You Learn First?

    I'm especially interested in hearing from the TCPM or CCK TCPM folks.

    The first weapon form I learned was yum sao gwun, done here by Mr. Japheth Leung, and here at Chiu Chuk Kai's 79th birthday celebration.

    The second was a sabre form, si fung dao, done similar to this. (form starts at :50, first time I've seen it done outside of my class)

    Has anyone here learned these forms? ...just curious
    "The true meaning of a given movement in a form is not its application, but rather the unlimited potential of the mind to provide muscular and skeletal support for that movement." Gregory Fong

  2. #2

    CCK Tai Chi Praying Mantis Weapons

    I learned the following single person CCK TCPM weapon forms in this order

    Ho Gun: Monkey Staff

    Sh'r Feng Dao: Blade Testing Broadsword

    Bagua Lan Mun Dao: Guarding the Door Broadsword in Eight Directions

    Say Moon Chiang: Four Directional Spear


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Vancouver, B.C. Canada


    I believe Hong Kong Kwoon taught the Yin Shou Gun first and the Shi Feng Dao second. I actually learned Yu Huan Dao first as well as the Chinese two sectional staff, which is my favorite from my mentor, Galen Fok, before I went back to Hong Kong. Of course, the sword, 7 section whip chain, and rope dart are consider the specialty of GM Chiu.

    Contraria Sunt Complementa



    CCK TCPM in Yellowknife

    TJPM Forum

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    South Texas
    I believe that I learned WL rt. hand stick and then continous broadsword and flute I believe were my first

  5. #5
    First weapon should always be "numchucks". And it MUST be spelled "numchucks", none of that dam "nunchaku" garbage! NUMCHUCKS all the way mang!!!
    Slips through fingers
    Like this world of dust

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    most, if not all shaolin based systems will teach staff first, big knife second and then all other categories come after that.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

  7. #7
    On a more serious note, the first thing I learned was staff. Then a two-person staff set in which one side uses mainly thrusting attacks and the other uses mainly circular strikes. This was later done with spear and kwan dao, so that the same form was basically teaching usage of all three weapons. A very cool set to train.
    Slips through fingers
    Like this world of dust

  8. #8
    The first set I learned was a two-man naginata vs. broadsword form. It was called Admiral Kwan friggin' beats the hell out of the pirate invader. Due to a weak low block and slash maneuver, the two-man form quickly became a one-man show, and the pirate invader was carried out on a stretcher. I did some really cool spins and a butterfly twist as I cha'd. Nobody even noticed the ambulance.
    1bad65--They Call Him Ore Ida, the Tater-Terminator
    Quote Originally Posted by Mega-Foot View Post
    We had to shut down our first Shaolin Ninjitsu in Shangdong when a key mistranslation of ancient scrolls led to the entire clan bowing down to incense and burning buddhas everywhere in the province.
    Quote Originally Posted by John Takeshi View Post
    Trolling? What does fishing have to do with this?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mega-Foot View Post
    Ashida Kim taught me everything I ever needed to know about the missile dropkick.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Katy, Texas
    I learned staff first, then broadsword, sai and now, I just started spear.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    South Texas
    Your shifu gave you wah lum double sai. Very nice. I personally like that one. Good luck on spear!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Katy, Texas
    Your shifu gave you wah lum double sai. Very nice. I personally like that one. Good luck on spear!
    Yes, I have the sequence of the double sai. Now, I need to make it more "kung fooey". Meaning, faster and smoother. Hmmm, sounds like everthing else that I have also needs to be that way too! Oh well, just add it to my list. lol

    Yes, spear will be interesting. Sifu gave me some wrist exercises to make them stronger for when I have to hold the spear with one hand. At least I havent made any holes in the walls yet! lol

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