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Thread: Kung Fu's place

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by SPJ View Post
    1. If kung fu people enter MMA events, --

    the most likely place would be MMA in China. so I encourage CMA schools in China to send their students to art of war FC.

    2. If MMA people enter Kung fu events, --

    so I encourage MMA people in the US to enter san shou, kuo shu lei tai events.

    your concerns are fully addressed.

    sometimes we have to read other's posts carefully, or think about them more, or meanings beyond the obvious.

    I spoiled the fun.


    I am not talking about MMA events. We need our own NHB events first. Actually, I dont think TMAist would do well in MMA events. This doesnt mean that I think that they are no good.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    it all becomes clear SPJ.

    Quote Originally Posted by SPJ View Post

    And the sponsoring group is related to epoch time and fa lun gung.

    And there we have the cause for the racist approach. Falun Gong doesn't believe in racial mixing. They think it'll make it easier for the disembodied aliens to kick our souls out of our bodies and take over.


    Falun Gong is f-ing crazy.
    Simon McNeil

    Be on the lookout for the Black Trillium, a post-apocalyptic wuxia novel released by Brain Lag Publishing available in all major online booksellers now.
    Visit me at Simon McNeil - the Blog for thoughts on books and stuff.

  3. #48
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flying-Monkey View Post
    Oh please.

    China had a stable society. It wasn't like people were fighting in the streets every day. China in its early days made a lot of advances. The Chinese society was one to look up to. Most of the invaders who beat China incorporated a lot of China's good points. The same thing happen when the Romans beat the Greeks.
    That might suggest that Kung-Fu was good enough to stabalize a society. Also, it was good that victors would incorporate it. This seems to speak to the effectiveness of Kung-Fu which you might question.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flying-Monkey View Post
    Dinosaurs??? I think MMA and BJJ are the comets that are slowly ending the Kungfuasourus.
    KungfuProagandasaurus perhaps...

    [QUOTE=Flying-Monkey;874126]"The young of Understanding want immediacy"

    I am guessing that you were sold on the "kung fu takes 20 years to master" thing. Yeah, it takes 20 years to master when you have no master. I am talking about those teachers who tell you "self-reflect self-reflect", and "find out on your own". These guys have the perfect out. If you are able to defend yourself (probably from your own merits) , the teacher was successful. However, if you can't, it is your fault and you have to look deeper. These teachers in most cases are just hiding the fact that they can't teach. quote]

    What teachers do not bring-out or use the student's own understanding to educate?

    Quote Originally Posted by Flying-Monkey View Post
    I am not saying "reflect" and "finding thing out on your own" aren't good. You need to do these things. BUT a good teacher will show you how to use what you've learned. Most don't because they can't.
    Technically, you might need to know all of the teachers for what you say to be sound. But if this is your experience or understanding then your statement is reasonable. What could it matter to you? Even if true, why say? The hard ground is hard but you do not say that. What would be your reasons for pointing out your understanding?

    I No_Know
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  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Playa Jobos, Puerto Rico
    The problem with Kung Fu is that there just isn't enough quality Kung Fu to go around. So teachers add all this cultural mysticism... shrines, flags, appealing heroic history, magical powers (chi)... to distract students.

    Why would you want to distract your student?

    Maybe because your level of Chinese boxing can't compare with local standards of western boxing. Maybe because you have forms to teach but not much else. Maybe you have never really fought, don't know how to prepare to yourself for a fight and thus can't teach someone else.

    And there are more people who are attracted to martial arts that don't really want to put in what it takes to get the skill than those who do... so these environments cater to them while instilling the idea that their training is superior physically (they are too dangerous to compete) and spiritually (they know they are so dangerous they don't have to compete).

    We each make our choices and reap the fruit of our labor. We get out what we put in.

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    you guys might have a decent idea here and there, but most just see a lot kung fu bashing happening, especially by this monkey fellow-i should not even respond to this forum terrorist, but

    you see kung fu is bad because they do so and so, "why would they do so and so?", you ask

    oh , thats right , i forgot only kung fu has bad habits, only kung fu attracts shady teachers,

    lets show some respect guys, not everyone likes mma, not everyone likes karate,

    its the practitioner, its the society, shady teachers are around bc some enjoy them, i dont go on food website complaining as to why mcdonalds is still in business, but some retards still eat poison, and these retards are still my brothers and i love em, once society has no more need for poison or shady teaches they will be gone,

    ARe you guys saying this a kung fu wide problem only? this doesnt occur in other arts? really?

    i had a bad math teachers once, lets get math teachers next, english is so much better, english teachers embody the essence of a teachers, math will soon perish, like dinasaurs

    now doesnt that sound silly

    Set your mind.
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    Refuse to die.
    Think that you are strong and you are

  6. #51
    this is already a long and winding thread.

    many good points are brought up, but

    1. Good kung fu teachers, they do not make a living by teaching kung fu. They also have a day job.

    dun know much about people here in the states, but in Taiwan, the good teachers I knew or ran into actually teach out of interests. Most were retired from the police, military or agencies, They all served active duties in their prime, and now lived on pensions or minimal pays.

    1. They taught active qin na and shuai jiao in the police.

    2. They learned some Ba Ji in the securities or Taiwan's marine.

    3. They taught mantis in the military police etc.

    I guess most of them never stepped in a ring, but actually used their kung fu in their duties.

    utility of Kung fu was never an issue, it is only about how good you are etc.


    I leave the ring issues to people that are actually in the ring.

  7. #52
    Cultural things are just cultural or adds on.

    Cultural things should not or wound not have anything to do with fighting


  8. #53
    Some of the good teachers that are my contemporary.

    They teaches in Kuo Shu clubs in primary, high schools and universities.

    again, they do not make much money either.

    just regular physical education teacher pays.

    There are regular high school and college meets or san shou, kuo shu lei tai etc.


    some of the good san shou/san da teams would be from the police academy, army, air force, marine etc.


    For people interested in Kuo Shu circles in Taiwan.


  9. #54
    my point is that shady teachers or no good teachers do not last long in Taiwan.

    And the good teachers do not make much money either.

    meaning that if you want to make money, do something else.

    And you teach CMA only because you love to do the stuff.

  10. #55
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by SPJ View Post
    my point is that shady teachers or no good teachers do not last long in Taiwan.

    And the good teachers do not make much money either.

    meaning that if you want to make money, do something else.

    And you teach CMA only because you love to do the stuff.

    none of this is true. i have friends in Taiwan, and tell me it is like anywhere else. there are some good and bad.

    A good teacher can make good money. Case in point: keith maza

  11. #56

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by SPJ View Post
    my point is that shady teachers or no good teachers do not last long in Taiwan.

    And the good teachers do not make much money either.

    meaning that if you want to make money, do something else.

    And you teach CMA only because you love to do the stuff.

    NOSNSENSE.... China and Taiwan are FULL of shady teachers, bad teachers and frauds.... to say otherwise is ridiculous

    And good teachers CAN make money.... just many do not
    Chan Tai San Book at

    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    well, like LKFMDC - he's a genuine Kung Fu Hero™
    Quote Originally Posted by Taixuquan99 View Post
    As much as I get annoyed when it gets derailed by the array of strange angry people that hover around him like moths, his good posts are some of my favorites.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellen Bassette View Post
    I think he goes into a cave to meditate and recharge his chi...and bite the heads off of bats, of course....

  12. #57
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    there is nothing wrong doing something well, and getting paid for it. There are many teachers who teach full-time, who are very passionate about their art. One thing has nothing to do with another.

  13. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by lkfmdc View Post
    NOSNSENSE.... China and Taiwan are FULL of shady teachers, bad teachers and frauds.... to say otherwise is ridiculous

    Every fruits basket has some bad fruits.

    Every orchard has some bad apples or oranges.

    or something to that effect.

  14. #59
    Quote Originally Posted by TenTigers View Post
    there is nothing wrong doing something well, and getting paid for it. There are many teachers who teach full-time, who are very passionate about their art. One thing has nothing to do with another.

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