To Solidify the next 4 years. Get ready for Obama/Biden 09.

I know all the Repubs are just going apesh!t over this,but it is going to be very short lived. Lets see how well this "Creationist" governing Alaska does in the debates. Alaskans are about as out of touch with the lower 48 as they are in their own State. Alaska has got some really pretty country and wonderful wilderness and wildlife, and i am just sure that McCain's choice isnt just about her "conservatism" and "values". If they get in office, get ready for the wonder rape @ss fuk of the environment in Alaska. DRILL DRILL DRILL, MORE MORE MORE.

Furthermore, her "experience" is way LESS than Obamas. She may be articulate and know how many houses she owns,yet another reason why McCain chose her. She will actually be awake for that call at 3am

If McCain were really Smart he would have chosen Condoleeza Rice as his VP or Duncan Hunter.

So, uhhh McCain is like 72 now?

Here we go,,,TWS